1. Believe. The Scripture tells us that Apollos helped those who had
"believed through grace" (Acts 18:27). Even the faith which saves us
comes through God's grace. We don't produce faith - we receive it as a
gift from God. "For by grace you are saved, through faith, and that
[faith] not of yourselves; it is the gift of God." (Ephesians 2:8).
Nevertheless, we must choose to exercise the faith which God has given
us (Romans 12:3). God has given us the grace to believe. We need to use
that grace in whatever measure we have received it until
now.By the grace we have, we must believe God - His Word, His promises, His commandments, His judgments.
2. Receive. God's Word says, "much more those who receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ." (Romans 5:17). Paul says in Romans 1:5, "We have received grace and apostleship." God may give grace, but we must also be willing to receive it.
Grace must be received as grace. It cannot be received as payment for good behaviour or good works. If we are thinking to receive grace from God on the basis of our good behaviour or good works, we will not be able to receive it as grace. We will therefore not be able to receive it at all. This is why God many times seems to greatly bless a sinner recently turned to him and gives them a great ministry, while seemingly ignoring many "good church people" who have been struggling faithfully for years - but with a wrong mentality concerning grace.
3. Continue in It. "Now when the congregation had broken up, many of the Jews and devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God." (Acts 13:43). It is vitally important that all of us, especially those who have recently turned to God and trusted in His grace, continue in the grace of God. We need to allow God to keep guiding our hearts to the place where He can continue to work in us by His grace. In the moment when we cease to allow God's grace to work in us, in the moment when we no longer abide in Christ through disobedience; in that moment we start to dry up as Christians and that life of God in us begins to lose its effectiveness. God will not force us to remain in His grace. It is something He gives us the power to do, but we must choose to go on. Don't give up!
4. Use and Manage it. "As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." (1 Peter 4:10). Every born-again Christian has received a spiritual gift, and should use it. We have all been given grace to serve somewhere. God's grace takes many forms. There are many different anointings. A steward or manager must use what has been entrusted to him and multiply it. Otherwise, he is not being a good and faithful steward.
This means that whatever gifts and abilities God has given us by His grace, we should use them for His glory. God's grace and blessings were not given simply for us to sit in church and feel good. Rather, they were given that we might not only be blessed, but also be a blessing.