This is education design to prepare skilled personnel at a lower level of qualification for one or a group of occupations includes general education, practical training for development of skills required by the chosen occupations, and related theory.  The proportions of these components may vary considerable but the emphasis is usually on practical training.

The above definitions tend to problems of classification based on the level of entry level of work proportions of the theoretical and scientific studies and emphasis on practical training to award
such debates in classifications and to improve  the development in this type of education , the current trend in education  and planning and practice  is to use a single term technology education to embrace  all such education programmes

The term technology deals with “the application of knowledge in the solution of practical problems of everyday living  technology education , essentially, aims at developing techniques,  devices, procedures and  the process for doing things.  Obviously, theoretical and scientific studies and related skill training are  required. These components will vary according to the level of education and nature of occupation and career being considered. In other words, while science is concerned with “knowing” technology aims at “getting things done and done-efficiently” (UNESCO and ILO, 1984). 

I have deliberately dwelt at length on the issue of technical and  vocational education because their clear understanding will help better understanding of their unique roles in and  implication for  national growth and development in Nigeria. 

Furthermore,  the purpose of making a distinction of these terminologies is  the  establish a vehicle of international communication by allowing us to arrive at common  ground in order to compare experience  and  discuss common problem  in the field. As may be seen from  the definitions technical and  vocational education refers to those elements in the required general   curriculum which introduce young people  to the world of technology and  / or  to practical skills used in some occupations. These elements often serve a guidance or orientation function as well.
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