Culture, communication and development focuses on communication, which includes the amount of material one, could dwell on culture, a concept that has much definition. Meaning, above mentioned brings out the inter-relationship between a people culture, their communication system and how these may reach each other in the development.

According to Taylor in 1874, see culture as a complex thing, which   includes knowledge, belief, arts, morality, laws, custom and all the disposition and habits acquired by man as a member of society.  Meaning, with culture, people are construct of their culture and also gives people   their identify and dignity, which means culture and development are inter –twined because culture under pins development and reinforces it.

Communication is the exchange of information between individual, friends, nations, regions, and at the international level. Meaning, the role of communication in development is to expound socio-economic development priorities to increase agricultural productivity, to promote social welfare and health issues.  

According to Todaro in 1992, see development as the multi dimensional process, which involves change in structures, attitudes, and institutions as well as the acceleration of economic growth, the reduction of inequality and eradication of absolute poverty.

Finally, communications are of two forms  (a) traditional mode of communication is situations were languages are highly specific, local and verbal messages are applied. Meaning, the messages are include, oral statements spoken, sung or called out on musical instruments while modern mode of communication is a situation where electronic and print media are used in communicating. Meaning, people communicate with one another without being in one another immediate presence.  
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