The African union in its convention on the prevention and combating Terrorism, Article 1 (3) defines terrorism as:
Any act which is the violation of the criminal laws of a state party and which may endanger the life, physical integrity or freedom of, or cause serious injury or death to any person, any number or group of person or cause damage to public or private property, natural Resources, environmental or cultural heritage and is calculated or
intended to:

(i)  Intimidate, put in fear, coerces or induce nay government, body, institution the general public or any segment therefore, to do or abstain from doing an act, or to adopt or abandon a particular stand-point or to act according to certain principles;

(ii) Disrupt any public or to create a public emergency or create general insurrection in a state”
      For Nigeria, the prevention of Terrorism Act 2011 in section 1(2) defines acts of terrorism” as an act which his deliberately done with malice of aforethought and which may
(a) Seriously harm or damage a country or an international organization”,
(b) Is intended or can reasonably be regarded as having being intended to
(i)  Unduly compel a government or international organization to perform or abstain from performing any act;
(ii) Seriously intimidate a population
(iii)     Seriously destabilize or destroy the fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structure of a country or an international organization; or
(iv)      Otherwise influence such government or international organization by intimidation or coercion…”
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