Terrorism is a form of a symmetric warfare will not be effective because forces vary greatly in power. The tactics in which terrorist tactics are used is often a large scale unsolved political conflict. The type of conflict differs widely; they include the following:
i.                        Secession of a territory to form a new soveign state or become part of a different state. example  of  this tactics is Biafran secession from Nigeria that later  gave birth to civil war in 1967 -1970,  breaking  of  Eritrea from Ethiopia, South Sudan  from North Sudan on July  9th 
2011  are good  instances.
ii.                        Dominance of territory or resources by some ethnic group. example is Zimbabwe,  Sudan and Nigeria 
iii.                        Economic deprivation of a population as in the case of Niger/delta
iv.                        Religious fanaticism as in the case of Bako Haram.  Bin Laden of Afghanistan  and USA Ajmajuils and other Muslim fanatic , Israel and  Palestian simply put as Arabic world and Christian fate.
v.                        Imposition of a particular government as was the case of the Taliban government in Palestian etc.
vi.                        Terrorism with the intention of publicizing their at tacks on the victims do use explosives or poison. There is concern about terrorists employing weapons of mass destruction. terrorist organization usually plan their attacks methodically in advance, and  train participants, plan undercover agents and raise money from supporters  or through  organized  crime. MEND was raising  their money  from the ransom paid   for those they kidnap  
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