Sovereign wealth fund is a state owned investment  fund  composed of financial assets such as stocks  bonds, properly, precious metals  or other financial Entrustment. It is just like   savings account where  the profits  from excess crude  oil will be saved . the   only difference between sovereign wealth fund and  excess  crude account is that experts in fund management would  manage the portion that is meant to be invested. 

The fund seeks to invest a portion of the excess profit  made from crude   oil sales in the sovereign wealth fund  to be held and managed by the Nigerian investment authority . The authority who is the fund manager is expected to  invest the funds in a diversified portfolio of medium and  long  term investments for the benefit of future generations of Nigerian citizens. Funds for the portfolios will be constricted by the federal, state and local governments.  

In   accordance with the Nigerian sovereign investment  authority (NSIA) Act,   the three  of government will set aside  10 percent of  the  excess oil revenue for investment  every month. The NSIA  would then allocate the revenue to    three critical areas namely, national infrastructure development, long term savings and a stabilization fund. The   funds  set aside for future   generations will build an intergrenerational savings base by investing in long term assest that  generate  a rate of return to accumulate wealth for the  next generation of Nigerians while the stabilization fund  will  protect the budget by providing as table last resort  source of finance when the budget account is deemed  to be  insufficient 

The advantages of the new saving scheme include  curbing wastages   in governance and providing funds for  the development of the nations  infrastructure 

The worlds most expensive club, the  economist   2007-05-24
Sovereign wealth funds new hedge fund . the  new York times  2007-08-01
Who holds the wealth of nation? (PDF) Central Banking  Journal (May  2005) volume  15, number  4).  archived form the original on  2008-05-29 retrieved  2008-09-02
EZEALI B.O  and Nwoba M.O.E (2012)  public finance administration in Nigeria  cases and issues.  Chambers books limited Onitsha Anambra  State: Nigeria 

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