The storage of refuse could be classified into household and communal. The storage facility should be provided near the point of generation to prevent indiscriminate disposal of refuse. (Nnachi, 2010)
      Temporal storage of refuse  is  the  responsibility  of  individual  home,  offices or industries. This involves storage in sanitary standard dustbin  with lids, giant public  refuse bins, disposal
plastic bags or  waste paper gaskets.  In  developing countries majority of  refuse are dumped in an open dumping site within  the community. (Ezenwa,  2005)
The standard sanitary  dustbin  must be placed on a raised slap convenient to the users and easy access to the collection crew. It should be water tight and provided with  a tight fitting lid, rust resistant, structurally sound, easily cleaned and maintained and must have two side handle.  Problem associated with poor refuse storage include breeding of insect pest and rodents emission of undesirable odour, unsightedness and environmental pollution, all these encourages spread of diseases to man Lucas et al (2003) 
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