The philosophy and objective of vocational and technical education ca be found only in the general philosophy and objective of secondary educational under which vocational and technical education are usually subsumed.

Secondary education in the Nigeria context includes vocational and technical education. however, the Nigerian education act and the education law do not show agreement n the definition of a secondary school
but have always understood to include vocational and technical education. Vocational and technical education is still regarded as another secondary education without a clear delineation of its philosophies and objectives.

The philosophy of secondary education, which of course include vocational and technical education has been well documented by Taiwo et al (1970)

To inculcate the spirit of self reliance industry and versatility
To impress on the students their privileges and responsibilities as citizens at Nigeria
To develop and project Nigerian cultured art and languages
To Whom It May Concern: equip the students to live effectively in a modern age of science and technology
To afford a large number of children the opportunity of education of high quality irrespective of their social background.
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