Vocational technical education is a very important aspect
of the Nigeria educational system under the 6-3-3-4 programmes it develops occupational competence and
teachers those skills which enable an
individual earn a living . The national
policy on education define vocational technical education as that aspect of education which leads to the acquisition
of practical and applied skills as well as basic scientific knowledge. Technical vocational education as viable
industries and a prerequisite to new world technological order and therefore
requires adequate support of human and material resources.
The proramme include numerous occupational areas such as agrcu7lture,
various trades, health services and
technical training . Vocational technical education and training therefore can be defined as an educational
training which has been designed technical and systematically to accommodate
both the trainer and the trainee in order to enable most importantly the tranee
acquire the basic knowledge to skills,
abilities understanding and attitudes needed for ones efficient performance in his/ her chosen occupational carrier for self
–reliance and national development.