Nearly every continent of the  world has lost  many innocent lives to al-queda bombings and suicide  attacks since  1992.
1992“ Yemen Bomb Blast: One December  29, 1992  the  first attack by  al-qaeda was carried out in Aden, Yemen  when a bombomb went off at the Gold mohur hotel, where us troops had been staying en-route to  Somalia, though the troops had already left when the  bomb exploded. The  bombers targeted a second  hotel, the Adeu  Movenpick, where they believed  American troops might  also be staying. That bomb detonated prematurely in the hotel car park, 
around  the same time  as the other bomb  explosions killing two Australian tourists. Biuladin later claimed responsibility for that bombing.

1993:  World Trade Center Car Park Explosion: A bomb exploded in the car park of  the  world trade center in New york, killing six people  and injuring may more. Some observers  claimed that al-Qaeda offered money to Ramzi Yousef, the terrorist  responsible for the attack.

March  1993:  Bombay bombings: the  1993  bombay bombings were a series of  13 bomb  explosions that took place in Bombay. Now mumbai, maharastra. India, on march  12,  1993.  the  co-ordinated attacks  were the most destructive bomb explosions in Indian history. The single-day  attacks  resulted in up  to  250  fatalities and  700 injuries
1994 bojinka:  Philippine airlines flight  434:  Ramizi yousef and  Khalid Sheikh  Mohammed planned operation bojinka,  to  destroy airplanes in mid-air flight, using  explosives. They tested their attacks in November  1994, on  the Philippine airlines flight  434,  which also invomved. Abu,  sayyaf, a sayyaf. A  south –east  asia affilate of al-qaeda. An  apartment fire in  manila, Philippines exposed the plan before it could be carried out. Yousef was arrested, but  Mohammed avaded capture until  2003.
August  1994:  American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania:  the bombing  of American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, which claimed  220  lives, were blamed on al-Qaeda. The US  launched air strikes against suspected Al-Qaeda bases in  Afghanistan and bin laden was later indicted for the atrocities in a  US court.

May  1996:  Bin laden returned to Afghanistan from Sudan amid claims that international  pressure forced the African country  to  expel him. He set  up  bases deep in the Afghan mountains  where it is impossible   for the government to monitor him.
June  1996:  al-qaeda is among the  terrorist organizations blamed  for the bombing  of  American military bases in Saudi Arabia, which killed  19 US  citizens
September  1996 :  bin ladan declared the start of a guerrilla war to purge the middle east  of  all American forces  and other infidels’ 
February 1988:  A group calling itself the “world Islamic front for jihad against Jewss and crusaders, “ lead by bin laden. Issued a fatwa, saying every muslim was obliged to kill Americans wherever in the world it was possible to do so 
1998: US embassy bombings:  in august 1998, al-aaeda operatives bombed US embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar essalaam.  Tanzania, Killing more than 200 people and injuring more than 5,000 others.

October 2000: A suicide bomb attack on the USS Cole, an American warship, off the cost of Yemen. Caused the deaths of 17 people. Al-Qaeda later claimed responsibility.
September 2001: Four aeroplanes were hijacked by men believed to be working for al-Qaeda. Two were flown into the World Trade Centre in New York, and one hit the pentagon in Washington, while the fourth was brought down in a field in Pensylvania. Three thousand people were killed in the attackes, the worst ever on American soil. The most destructive act ascribed to al-Qaeda. Osama bin Laden also claimed responsibility for the attacks day before the 2004 presidential Election.

 October 2001: American retaliated the 9/11 al-qaeda attacks by beginning a war with Afghanistan, where the ruling Taliban was accused of sheltering bi Laden.
October 2001: Richard Reid, later dubbed the “ shoe bomber,” was arrested on a flight from paris to Miami after trying to blow up the plane mid-flight with explosives concealed in his shoes. In court, the Briton declared his loyal to bin Laden.

October 2012: An Bali Bombings: The 2002 Bali bombing occurred on October 12, 2002, in the tourist district of Kuta on the Indonesia island of Bali. The attack was the deadliest act of terrorism district in the history of Indonesia. Killing 202 people, including 88 Australians, and 38 Indonesian citizens. A further 240 people were injured.
August 2003: An explosion occurred at the UN Headquarters in Baghdad, killing 22 people. The group responsible, Tawhid wa al-Jihad, later announced that it has merged with al-qaeda.

November 2003: Istanbul attacks: four truck bomb attacks were carried out in Istanbul, Turkey, on November 15, and November 20, 2003 which left 57 people dead, and 700 wounded. Several men have been convicted for their involvement.
December 2003: Al-Qaeda and related groups were blamed for attacks on the British consulate,
an HSBC office and several synagogues in Istanbul, Turkey.
February 27, 2004: The Superferry14 bombing, was an Islamic terrorist attack. It resulted in the sinking of SuperFerry 14 a ferry and the deaths of 116 people in the Philippines.
March 2004: police made a number of arrests as part of Operation Crevice, after reports were received that Pakistani terrorist were operating in South England. Five men were later found guilty of plotting blow up a shopping center and a night club with fertilizer bombs.

March 11. 2004: Madrid Train Bombings

It was widely believed that al-Qaeda was responsible for the bombing of the Madrid commuter train system. 911 days after the 911 attacks. However, the grown did not claim responsibility for this attack.
May 2004: Khobar Massacre: Al-Qaeda is believed to have been responsible for the 2004 Khobar massacre, carried out on May 29, 2004.
August 2004 : Dhiren Barot, a British Muslim, was arrested and accused of plotting series of co-ordinated terrorist attacks in British and elsewhere, including one which was to involve a radioactive” dirty bomb.” He became the first Muslim accused of plotting exposions in Britain to plead guilty.
July 2005: Bomb attack, on three trains and a double decker bus in London on July 7, claimed 52 lives, injuring 700 more. The four young men who carried out the bomb attacks were from groups thought to have been linked to al-Qaeda.
Weeks late, on July 2, a similar plot was foiled when exploisives in rucksacks carried on to  underground trains and buses by four men failed to detonate.
July 23, 2005: Sharm el-Sheikh Attacks: The 2005 Sharm el-Sheik attacks were a series of terror attacks on July 23, 2005, targeting the Egyptian resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh, located on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula.
September 2005: Imad Yakas, a Syrian, was conviced of running an al-Qaeda network in Spain which helped to facilitate the 9/11 attacks. Seventeen men were arrested for terror crimes.
November 9, 2005: Amman Hotel Bombing: Suicide bombers gate-crashed a wedding crown in Hayatt Amman unjured.
August 2006: British police made a series of arrests to prevent the planned bombing of at least seven tran-Atlantic airliners destined for cities across the US Canada. Eight men were given life sentence.
July 11, 2006: Mumbai Train Bombings: The Mumbai train bombing were a series of seven bomb blasts that took place over a period of 11 minutes on the Suburban Railway in Mumbai, capital city of the India state of Maharashtra and the nations financial capital. The bombs were set off in pressure cookers on trains plying the western line of the Suburban Mumbai police, the bombings were carried out by Lashkar-e-Toiba and students Islamic Movement of India.
April 2007: Algiers Bombing: Al-Qaeda organization in the Islamic Maghred claimed responsibility for the April 11. 2007 Algiers bombings. Two bombs exploded within a short time of each other, one at the prime minister’s office and the, other at a police station. The blasts killed 33 people. It was the first time a bombing had occurred in the capital in more than a June 2008: Al-Qaeda responsibility for a car bombing at the Danish embassy in Pakistan, in which six people died. The attacks were a response to a Danish newspaper’s decision to publish a cartoon depicting prophet Mohammed with a bomb in his turban.
Danish embassy Bombings: Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the bombing of the Danish embassy in Pakistan on June 2, 2008. A car bomb killed six people and injuring several. Mustafa Abu al-Yazid. A high-ranking member of al-Qaeda, issued a statement after the bombing. Claiming that the attack was a response to the 2005 publication of the Muhammed Cartoons.
June 2009: Little Rock Office Shooting: On June 1, 2009 a Muslim convert, Abulhakim Mujahid Muhammed. Opened fire in a shooting at a United States Military recruiting office in Little Rock, Arkansas, killing one US soldier and wounding another. Though law enforcement authorities concluded ”there doesn’t appear to be a wider conspiracy or at this point in time, any indication that he’s a part of a larger group or a conspiracy.” He later confessed that he had conducted a “ Jihad attack” as part of al-Qaeda.
December 2009: Northwest Airlines Flight 253: Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a young Nigerian, had on December 25, 2009. tried to denote a bomb device aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253 as the plane prepared a descent into Detroit, Michigan. That same day, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed responsibility for the attack.
October 2010: Cargo Plane Bomb Plo: On October 29, 2010 two packages, each containing a bomb considering of 300 to 400 grames of plastic explosives and a detonating mechanism. Were found on separate cargo planes. The bombs were discovered as a result of intelligence received from Saudi Arabia’s security chief. They were from Yemen and were being taken to the United States. One week later, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, AQAP, Qaeda and Afghanistan.