Data: Data are ideas, facts, etc.  that  relate to certain events, tasks, or person.  Data are thus the raw and unorganized facts,  ideas and items which may be represented as letters,  numbers /figures or symbols/  signs.
Data types (codes/representation)
Data may be grouped into:
Numeric data

Alphabetic data
Alphanumeric data
Graphic data, sonic data, etc
Numeric data:  facts expressed  in numbers  eeg  1,2,3,4…243,574…
Alphabetic data: this  data type contains only the letters of the alphabet eg, A,b,c,D, John, Ada, going  to school, etc.
Alphanumeric data:  this type of data can contain  letters, numbers and symbols/signs
For  example
1.      Ax  419. RBC (vehicle Reg. No)
2.      another example is the addressed of people , eg  no  9  annang street, Box  999, enugu
3.      data: 25th  December,  2004 
graphic data: this type of data include pictures  diagrams  and  the likes
character: character is the general term used of a letter, sign or symbol, number /figure etc.  as may be seen on keyboards new or  as used in writing and  printing 
data collection 9gathering of data) 
SORUCES OF DATA:  THE SOURCES OF data  include: interview questionnaire, observation, historical  background/ record inspection.
Interview:  this is meting with somebody for  discussion or conference. This is the case where the interviewer gathers facts about an item, activity or  person. The interviewee and interviewer are expected to  cooperate to ensure reliable data. The  interview  technique of data collection is  good when few people are need 
Process n: 
(i)                Connected series  of actions or changes, carried out or which takes place in order to obtain an expected result.
(ii)             Manipulation of data or working on something
Process v: To carry out  such actions, to manipulate
  Information n: the result  we get after processing data (n=noun; V = Verb)
2 + 4 = 6      2 + 4 is data
6 is information
Input:  anything that goes into the computer for processing (data/instructions) 
Output: This is the result of the processed data (information)
Machine: A machine is a device which helps make our work easier and most often faster. Anything manufactured to help in performing tasks meant for the human being. It may be mechanical, electrical, electromechanical or electronic.