a.       Statism is the   centerpiece of realism. The  state is the highest actor and all actors in international affairs are  of lesser importance. The state’s sovereignty  signifies  the  existence of an independent political community which has juridical  authority over its population.

b.      History teaches that  man by nature is selfish and no amount of improvement can make man free from this deficiency.

c.       Man has quest for power  and a great quest to dominate others.  This lead to what Thomas  Hobbes calls  a  struggle for power “ a war of all against  all”.

d.      No other state can be relied upon to  guarantee  your  survival, and  in international politic, the structure of   the system does not permit  friendship, trust and honour.  Allies might increase a state’s  ability to defend  itself  but their loyalty and reliability  may not be assured.13
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