Millions of Nigerian youths are in secondary (high) school, but some of them would not graduate. They could drop out along the ay and others would not go beyond high school. Because of paucity of data, it is difficult to put a figure on high school dropout rates in Nigeria, but is suffices to say that the graduation rate is not impressive (specially the boys for some reasons). Given the general neglect of education and the resultant frequent I strike actions, etc many of those who enter the university may not obtain a degree, because post-secondary education could drag out for years. But who would employ them if everyone became a
university graduate? Would the needs of the society be met? Nigeria needs competent technicians to maintain its infrastructure- NEPA plants and telephone circuits and lines, roads and bridges, etc. in many societies, graduates of vocational and technical institutions are highly skilled entrepreneurs but the society does not seem to encourage the youth to take this route. Unfortunately, those who influence education policy in the society (legislators, educators, the media, etc) appear to feel that graduates of technical of vocational institutions are not equal to university graduates. This attitude reflects on the employers preference for regular university graduates and the pay disparity between vocational/technical and university graduates.

The support of TVE is in accordance to national development v Vis avis as fas as for the war against social vices in concerned. With proper TVE certificate which is comparable with international graduates of normed university cannot be graduated as inferior to being regarded degrees. Those with technical certificates and individuals with years of field experience work are reported for their technical worth. This go being bestowed on the persons with technicians in relation to the persons experience is on stack of academic degrees by the provision TVE is a healthy one. The tve reduces the tendency of craze for certificate acquisition by the emphasizes of practicality of the vocation the quakes are easily distinguished for highly entrepreneurs.
tve reduces the dropout sydrum some not everybody most go through the regular academic programe. This person whne there are no options, opt for social vices such as cultism, and even graduates to armed robbery etc if care is not taking
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