A man married two wives and both of them got pregnant and give birth to a baby boy at once.  As the two boys grow up, the son to the second wife in enmity with that of the first wife because of there fathers property. One day the son to the second wife poisoned biscuit and give to his step brother and he left with his dog on their way he was feeling hungry and wanted to eat the biscuit which the dog prevent him and in other to show him that the biscuit was
poisoned he ate it and die, he carried the dog and start crying shouting the name of the dog, on his way he meet seven boys who was just seating down and there ask him why he is crying and he said that his brother gave him biscuit and the biscuit kill his dog, there just collect the dog from him, cook it and  eat,  after eating it  there die, the boy seeing that the boys that ate his dog are dead he ran  away at a point he was hungry and thirsty, the  saw a man driving his horse and sweat  was flowing all over his  body, the boy  stop him  and drink the sweat from the mans  body and get strength to further his journey.  Getting to one village where there is news that the king is so intelligent that know kind of question that he can not answer and that if anybody should ask him question which he cannot answer the person will take over his ruler ship, people ask questions from different view and the king answer.  The boy went to the king and said that he will ask him question which he will not be able to answer it but the king said it is not possible that people who is bigger than him ask him and he answer how much more him, the body insist and the king tell him to ask him question or else he will be kill. The boy   said to the king “king my brother give me biscuit, biscuit kill boobom, boobom kill seven people, water that did not come from heaven nor earth I drink” what did I say? The king thought of that words and reply to him you said that your brother gave you biscuit, biscuit kill boobo boobo kill seven people and he did not know the meaning of the water that is not form heaven nor earth and I drink, he ask him to go and come back in 7 day, he came back in seven days and ask him question and the king answered and still did not know what the word ‘water that is not form heaven nor earth and I drink it” he was ask to tell the meaning of that expression and he did and the king resign  for him  to rule and that was how  the  body become the king.

Discrimination: This theme is seen in the life of the second son of the mans wife who discriminate that his step brother will take part in the sharing of their fathers property and planned to eliminate him which turn for his own good.

Pride:  The them of pride in this story is seen in the life of the king who think that he knows everything and declare that who ever that will ask him question which he can not be able to answer, he will give his ruler ship to the person which fail him and cause him to lose his ruler ship to a small boy.

Determination: The theme of determination is seen in the life  of the small boy who later become a king in a strange land  irrespective of the difficulties and hardship on his way he never taught of going back to his village  and also by  determine to go and tell the king  that he can ask him  question which he will not be able to answer.

1.         Language: The storyteller uses simple language, which make the story easy to understand with the use of the words like boobom, biscuit, king, which represent human being and object.
2.         Figure of speech: 
Hyperbole: The condition of supporting is exaggerated in this story for example, ‘my brother give me biscuit, biscuit kill, boobom, boobom kill seven people, water that is not from heaven nor earth I drink it” 
3. Point of view: The story teller uses third person point to view which makes him to use words like he, there and them. 
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