Education plays a crucial part exploitation of modern technology. The fact under recent education development in all the natural industrial societal despite in synchronies of natural history political structure and social tradition bears stamps of a dominate pattern imposed by the new and other conflicting pressure of technological and modern industrial change. In an advance industrial society, it is inevitable educational system should come into very close relationship with the economic art (Hailey, 1961). Modern industrial technology based on the substition of electrical and atomic for other forms of the division of labour transform the seat of production, the economic setting of enterprisies and the productive and social role of labor.

It is depend to an unprecedented extend on the results of scientific responsible man power and consequently on the efficiently of the education system thus, modern industrial societies are distinguished in their  structure  development from others of comparable complexity, principally by the institution of innovation that is to say, by the public and private organization on an increasingly large scale of  scientific, research in the service of economic and military growth diversified with relative high education qualification for employment at all levels of education unprecedented economic importance a as source of technological innovation (Lean,1961) education becomes then a major form of investment for the economy as a whole and old educational forms turns themselves wily –niiy to the modern economy secondary schools, colleges of education and universities expand in number and scope.

The process of democratization affect their membership, the selection of student and recruitment of teachers their curricula, the perception of themselves as institution. There structure and function as going concerns and their classrooms and lecture halls the very learning process it self.
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