During the years, immediately preceding attainment of the self government of system of local rule was introduction and local men were appointed as countries supervising the administration and development of the local communities. In their position councilors had relatively large measures of authority over their fellow citizens and were seen to be useful members of the society.

Again many young men had the ambition to be a content of post cause of most of these countries there is more primary education to take one example a recruiting published document by UNESCO as aslant model of educational development consist of no more than a
series of prosecutions of floods though the education system that set rather arbitrary limit to the size of the post – primary sector.

At no point does the document address itself directly to the task of the possible relationship between education and economic growth beyond needs. More ambitions attempt to structure secondary education on the basic of manpower needs is like – wise limited in their utility. Form the manpower few point post primary schooling is seen largely in the passing role supplies of middle level skills being according and indecent function in stimulating development.

 (UNESCO, 1966) further two very serious difficulties present themselves first on the basic of certain assume rate growth in natural income fixed coefficient are often used to calculate the need for high intermediate level of man power. The source of this coefficient is often not clear but they are presumable based on data from more highly development economics and their use in the African or Asia context is highly questionable.
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