It I believed that the establishment of agricultural extension system is to help farmers increase their agricultural   production. And it is also believed that if farmers increase their production, both the farmers themselves and government will benefit from it. 

For instance, the farm families’ welfare will be better, the agro-allied industries will adequately meet their raw material demands and the nations foreign exchange earning will be boosted. The backbone of all agricultural extension endeavour is, therefore, the transfer of agricultural information and technologies to enhance the productive capacity of the farmers.

Agricultural extension involves systematic and organized interaction with farmers with the aim of increasing their agricultural production and stimulating development. 


Different authors and scholars at different levels have viewed agricultural extension in various ways. For example, Bardsly (1982) cited by Nwuzor 2009, viewed guttural extension as a service or system which assists farm people through educational procedures in improving farming methods and techniques, increasing production efficiency and income, bettering their levels of living and lifting social and educational lives of rural people. It uses information obtained and assembled form research studies based on experience, trail and demonstration for the purpose of extending knowledge to the rural people. The use of farm visit, result and method demonstration, group meetings and group discussion, mass media, posters and audio visual aid are very effective means of extending knowledge to the rural populace.  
Agricultural extensions defined by the food and agricultural organization (FAO, 1992) as informal out of school educational services for training and influencing farmers to adopt improved practices in crop and livestock productions, management, conservation and marketing.

Madukwe (1995), cited by Nwuzor 2009, defined  agricultural  extension as a  voluntary out of school educational Programmes for  adults of relevant content derived from researches  in  the physical, biological and social science synthesized into a body of concept, principles and procedures. It employees teaching and learning principles that affect changes in the farmers generally carried out in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect between agricultural extension agents and their clientele.
Nwuzor (2006) observed extension education as an informal out of school system of education designed to help rural people to satisfy their needs, interests and desires.