The role of education is paramount because without education, one's life is incomplete. As the saying goes, “Knowledge markets a full man". Education makes man positive-minded, well-refined, and flexible and saner. It makes him choose the right path in his life and takes man to the world of prosperity. The fundamental thing for growth of an individual or nation is based on the educational level of the majority of the people in that country.

 A country with a majority of ignorant population will Therefore, all steps necessary to educate all the people of the country are to be taken, not only for the intellectual development of the
individual, but also spiritual/mental development of the people, While intellectual development accelerates economic and technological development, if proper measures are not taken for the spiritual/mental development of the people, the country would face anarchy, because of lack of fraternity, empathy for the poor people and flexibility to work with individuals of different characters.

The Educational system should be so revamped as to make the citizens achieve not only high IQ (Intelligence Quotient) but also high EQ (Emotional Quotient)l not be in a position to make much headway in its development of any sort. This facet should be taken care of while devising the educational system which will prepare the youth to be more polished in their attitude towards others.

Regarding Health, it must be mentioned that the people must be properly educated to keep their surrounding clean and hygienic, because many diseases are caused by unhygienic practices. Health is Wealth. Without health, no one can perform his/her duties satisfactorily. Even during the period of Education, people should be taught the ill-effects of smoking, drinking etc which are taking a heavy toll of the Nation's population. (NERDC 2004).
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