Different country views the role of Gender in agriculture in different ways. The gender roles in agriculture are a frequent subject of study sociology and farm economics. Historians also study them, as they are important in understanding the second student of Agririan, and industrial, societies.
United States: for united state the “classical” farm gender roles in agriculture was based on the division of labour in which men participated in “field” takes as animal care, plowing, harvesting crops, using farm machinery etc while most women participate primary in farm “house” tasks preparing and pressing food and feedstuffs, and marinating the farm compound.

Canada: the roles in Canadian agriculture support the involvement of both female and male in agriculture sector. But a man called Alberta from Southern Canada introduced another mechanism of gender role in agriculture according him women should involve them selves in agricultural activities with their husbands but should not insurance of the planning and insurance of the sectors. The modern role gender role in agriculture checked off his subjection and support the idea of involving women in decision and marking and planning of any program in agricultural sector which they emphasis on conjugal (husband-and-wife) collaboration.