Enzymes has been
identified that may be a powerful new tool for
fighting Alzheimer's disease. (BACEZ) is the enzyme that has been found to destroy betaamyloid, a toxic protein
fragment that litters Alzherimer
patient's brains. The most common memory disorder is Alzheimer's disease affecting over 5.5 million
Americans. Scientists have yet to discover any effective treatments.
Enzymes are produced by living cells they are substances the fact as a catalystin living organisms, increasing the rate at which reactions take
place without itself being
effected in the process, without
them, reactions in cells would proceed
at a too slower rate to sustain life
The uses of important
enzymes is medicine include killing diseases causing micro organisms,
prompting wound healing, and diagnosing
certain diseases. Enzymes are used heavily in medicine. These applications
include using enzymes as direct pharmaceutical products.
The first example I
will look at is the use of enzymes in
medicine is analytical tests. Enzymes can because to detect and measure amount of
glucose in blood. The amount of glucose in the blood urine is a crucial
indicator in the diagnosis of diabetes,
this is when there is a deficiency of
insulin resulting in high glucose levels in the blood . It is detected using the enzyme glucose oxidase which
is impregnated onto a strip of paper, and a biosensor. This instrument uses glucose oxidase as its
biological system.
The enzyme catalyses
the reaction between glucose and
oxygen to gluconic acid. The biosensor then uses the
amount of gluconic acid produced to indicate the quantity of
glucose and oxygen there was in the blood this is
indicated by a colour change.