Charles, a prosser in  1940  developed what is  considered the sixteen most important therins or  principles of cocational education. These principles  have had substantial influence on   the administration of national   education,  globally, but  particularly in the unite state of  America . the principles developed by prosser are still as useful together as  they were first developed. They specify  mimnum standaras  which effective  vocational education cannot be offered . they principles quoted  below are worthy  of serions  consideration in the administration of vocational
1.         vocational education will be efficient in proportion as the environment which the learner is trained is  trained is a replica of the environment in which the  must subsequently work.
2.         effective training can be given where training jobs are carried out in the same way,  with the  same operation , the   same tools, the service machines as in  the occupation itself
3.         vocational   education will  be effective in propoertion as  it  trains the indivudual directly and specifically in the thinking habits and the imaginative  habits required in the occupation itself.
4.         vociatonal education will  be effective in proportion as it enables each individual to capitalize his or her  interest,  aptitude and intrinsic intelligence to the  longest possible degree     
5.         effective vocational education for any profession calling, trade, occupation or job can only be given   to the selected  group of individuals, who needs it,  want it and are adle to project  by it
6.         Vocational training   will be effective in proportion  as  the specific  training experience for forming right   habits of doing work are those of the finished skills necessary for gainful  employment.
7.         Vocational education will be effective in proportion as the instructor has had successful experience in the application of skills and knowledge  to the operations and processes of the undertakes to teach
8.         for  every occupation there is a minimum of  producer  ability which an individual must possess in order to  secare or retain  employment in the occupation. If  vocational education is not carried  to that  point  with that individual, it is  neither  personally or socially effective.
9.         vocational education must recognize conditions  as they are   and must train individuals to meet the demand of the market even though it may  be  true  that  mose efficient wrys of auditing  the  popations may be known and better 
10.      The  effective establishment of process habits   in any learner  will be secured in proportion as the  training is given on actual jobs, not on exercises or pseude job.
11.    the  only reliable source of content for specific training  in an occupation is in the experience of masters of  the occupation.      
12.    for  every occupation these is a body of content which  is peculiar to that occupation and which poetically has  no functioning value   in any other occupation
13.    vocational  education will reader efficient social services  in proportion as it meets the specific training needs of  a group at the time  that they need it and such a way that they can most effectively profit by the instruction
14.    vocational  education will be socially efficient in proportions  as in its methods of instruction and it personal relations with learners it takes  with consideration the particular  characteristics of any particular group which it serves 
15.    the administration of vocational education  will be efficient  in proportion as it is elastic and fluid rather than rigid and standardize
16.    in while every reasonable effort  should be made to reduce per-capita  (prosser and quilty 1940, pg 217 –232 )
Purely as a matter of  convenience ad structure, the principles has sevce vocational education for decades internationally in a variety of ways – PEOPLE, programmes  Process . in other  provide  principle have been useful in guiding  programme development, in planning instructional strategies, in evaluating programmes, and  in formulating policies in addition used in arriving to  a philosophy.
a.         information about the world  of work  is as important as self – understanding  in the area of vocational decision making changes or new technologies  is a major force in society that place new demands on up date of skills frequently on workers. It  is possible for individuals to remain on one job unprogressive , so  long   that number  1 and 215 principles above  other  are uncomplied with  in training  .
b.         labour market in our  communities  need to be important in contemporary programmes of vociatonal educat4ional . it is a  mistake to train people for jobs that are rse or not available  this can  happen when   such community or nation looks it what the indvidual want  rather it should be labour  needs and job opportunities  and job mibii the educational and  economic needs of people to be served, the determination and justification of highest  than average costs  of programmes for certain  populations, 
c.         Vocational education ie administrators should help to eliminate   exbias and sex- role  sterepotyping in order to promote item  5 of prosser  of  creals profile for working women particularly in vocational  education
d.         Curricula of vocational education  should   be always derived from   equipments in the world of work,
e.         Teachers of vocational education should be both professionally and occupationally  ampelent to comply with the  7 and   of prosser
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