Onyebuaga (1986 illustrated with chart above explaining a typical organization consisting of three known levels of management or leadership namely the top of primary leaders middle or secondary leaders and the low or tertiary leaders. In the university system the primary or top level include the governing council, the vice -chanellor, his deputies , the  principal officers, deans, directors of institutes, divisions, centers and heads of  department. Invariably these groups of people and professors constitute  the senate of the university.  Records kept or this level will contain  policies, approvals, university laws rules and regulations.  The structural flow chart
indicates a summary of the   channel which polices and decisions pass from top to bottom, from within and among  organization units .
The middle level management comprises those immediately  below the top. Associate or vice deans and heads of units and sections. This level accommodates mostly the administrative officers  and lecturers especially those characterized as senior staff.  This group of leaders, directly  supervise  the low level tertiary staff.
The low or tertiary group forms the longest group of university staff
Though it appears that the office of the vice-chancellor  is occupied by one person, it has its own  administrative  set up to cater for all facets of the university administration. There are  some important  directly under his office  number of  units such as: 
·        The registrar and deputy registrar representing general administration supridents other units  under the VC and  keeps record relating to all the units of the university.
·        Staff Record:  Keys records stores and retrieval center for all the  records relating to staffers.
·        Staff Matters:  All  matters relating to appointments, provision  dismissals etc are headed in the office.
·        Faculties : Since the vice chancellor oversees  both  academic and  non-academic matters in the univesitry, the  faculties have  useful  in office of V.C where issues relating  to the development, consideration of programmes , request  for  facilities are  treated.
·        Other units. Units can be created from time to time as need arises in order to make the V.C  functional enough, some  division are directly to the vice chancellor office.  The head or directors of these division are directly responsible to the VC in the day-to-day administration. The act for VC on issues relating to main division.  These Director/Heads usually brief in VC on issues  or matters  directed by the VC.        
1.  Deputy vice-chancellor act for the V.C in his absence and  take sensitive decisions which act communicated through  records to areas concerned. In some universities, the position can be seen occupied by one person while in others with satellite campuses, two or three DVS are created for close and effective administration.
CHIEF  INTERNAL AUDITOR(ADULT):  Directly under to the vice chancellor. The audit moderates the spending of the university as condensed records of income and expenditure are easily available to the V.C. through the Audit Unit.
·                     Physical planning unit: This unit for development of university infrastructure and general landscaping of the  compound is directly  under  the responsibility of the V.C  relating to compound development.
·                     Academic planning unit: The vice chancellor  is responsible for  acedemic development of the university. Chages in academic  calender, in programme of studies, expansion of or collapsing  faculties, departments divisions , approval  or  design of new  programmes  for the university are all within the vice chancellor  office, such responsibilities are carried out by the academic planning unit with the Head of the Unit  accountable to the V.C  records  relating to academic planning programme, design  and  implementation are managed by the unit on behalf of the vice –chancellor.
·                     programme implementation office:  the unit coordinates and link s with  human resource assistance like  banks, organizations and  clubs that  reduce  assistance financially, and other   facilities to the university. 
·                     Management Information System (MIS): Is a system that  although expensive, stores data in the computer  for  use  by  the administration when  in need  for advanced record keeping and proper management /supervision  MIS reduces the cumbersome files loaded with papers which occupies much space.


The registrar has dual functions:
i.                               Assisting the vice –chancellor  in day to day administration of the university
ii.                            Usually , the secretary of statutory  committees of the university. 
Desribed of as the  nerve center of the univesity central registry plans, organizes, coordinates  and formulates policies guding all the units  under  the registry  various divisions under the registry are
1.      administrative office
2.      admissions office 
3.      career and students  service office
4.      candidates  Affairs office
5.      tenders board
6.      examination  office 
7.      students affairs office
the bursary:
the bursary is headed by the Bursu, who is a principal office and directly responsible to the vice –chancellor. The  burary  keeps many financial  accounts particularly records relating  to students accounts, senior and junior  staff salaries,  claims  and allowances, claims and allowances etc . the bursary  maintains a healthy  relationship with banks and other business  houses  and enterprises.
The library
The Chief Librarian or Director who is above principal office heads this magic component of the univesitry. The library houses the books and reference materials used for academic activities. Records kept in the library relate to purchasing stocking , cataloguing , lending and retrieval of books and it links with other parts of the university who process correspondences  coming in or going out.       
Works and maintenance:  has works with very faculty, unit, dirsivce  and departments existing  in the university. Record s kept relate to job  done his different sections of the univsity, purchase of  equipment, maintenance work, request for fund, disbursement  of fund, stores, records and works record . record of vehicles available in the university are kept also

ACADEMIC SECTION: is  the basis of establishing  a the  acadmic section has  its administrative structure. The  faculties are headed by the deans who are chosen from among the lecturers. The  position is not permanent, in each faulty, there are a number of departments  headed by a head of dpartments who is also a lecturer. Both the faculty and  departmental offices have their administrative  arms controlled  from the registers office, and they  taste are of records  in the various academic units .
-                     the departments keep  records relating to the students activities. Admission letters, results and correspondences  to and form students and the administration are kept  no  the  students personal files lecturers working in the departments also have their files into which correspondences on them are kept. All correspondences coming from the  top level administration  pass through the department before they got to either the student or the lecturer. 
-                     The facilities house the records o students  and lecturers most correspondences are routed through  the department and  the  deans office to the other sections of the university. Correspondence coming   from the top may also pass through the faculty  to the  departments , the faculty officer is  in charge of managing the records of the faculty  while the secretary keeps those of the  departments and the deans  office. At the academic section, students records  especially the examination and results  are managed  efficiently . meetings of committees, faculty boards other sub-communities have their records kept by  designated  officers  of the  faculty.