Explaination: The preserving effect of smoking is as a result of the drawing out of water during the smoking. Similarly the particles in smoke when absorbed by the fish helps to prevent bacterial growth on the surface of the fish. Additionally smoke adds positive flavour to the fish taste and colour of the fish. The storage life of smoked fish is longer when the fish is salted before been smoked.
* TRADITIONAL METHOD; Prepare a smoke house with a box, shed, cut oil drum etc. Over a fire which is controlled so that it produces smoke instead of flames. Fish are placed on the meshed wire
put across the local smoking kiln. Fresh leaves are placed over the fish to ensure proper circulation of smoke. It is important to not that not all wood is safe for use in smoking fish. However all wood from decidious and pine trees is safe. But wood such as oleander contains poisnous substances and should not be used. Wood shavings and hard wood blocks produce the best smoke.
After the fish are smoked for about 6 hours, they can be stored in refrigerator, freezer or temporarily in jars, or even eaten immediately. Alternatively you may complete the drying process using solar drier for longer storage life.
* MODERN SMOKING METHOD; In the tropics the traditional smoking method has gradually metamorsed into more acceptability. However modern smoking kilns have elvolved. This new mothod has the following advantages.
1. It is said to be more hygienic, proucing dried fish free from heavy smoke deposits.
2. The process brings about reduction in batch process time.
3. The labour involved in rotation of fish repeatedly is removed.
4. It saves time which could have been used in giving attention to fish during smoking to avoid charring.
5. It allows for large scale smoking operation.
6. Hazards, like smoke in the eyes in the eyes and its inheltion is removed.
* Washing.
* Gutting.
* Cutting or splitting fish.
* Pre-drying.
* Smoke-drying.
* Coiling.
* Packaging.
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