Most of the counties have not got   adequate   power  supply.    This is a handicap to industrialization in particular and development in general.  Revolution in power supply has been one of the  greatest  phenomena that really geared  the  world economy an the onward direction . For  instance Germany owes  much    to the development of electrical industry. The importance  of   power supply need not be over emphasized. Rural areas are being deserted    and no industries are being attracted mainly   because   these rural areas have not got any supply of 
  electricity it is because people have recognized the importance of power supply need not be over  emphasized.  Rural  areas are  being deserted and no industries are being attracted mainly  because these rural areas have  areas  have  not  got any supply of electricity. It  is because people have recognized the importance of power supply   in  any development  process that  there  is an incessant call  for rural electrification  as a developmental  strategy   supply of  electric light to the rural   areas will  help half mass  exodus   from these   rural area, attract  industries  to live in well lighted rooms  is an   aspect of development .

L.C  Ezeaku (1997) Positive Discussions in  Economic  Uruowulu
Obosi, Pacific College Press Ltd

Black J. (1997)  Oxford Dictionary of Economics . Oxford  : Oxford  
University  Press.

Report of the Conference of FAO 4th Session. Washington D.C, 
November   1984

A.G  Frank, “ The  Development of Underdevelopment”
Development.  Hooool comesta??? Critical Concepts in the Social  Sciences  (2005)

Underdevelopment of   Countries. World Problems Issue Online 
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