From the definition of accounting above,  the followings can seen  as its functions:
1.                  RECORDING: One of the  basic function of the bookkeeping   aspect  of accounting   is to ensure that  all the business transactions   of financial nature are  recorded  in an orderly manner in the books  of prime entry of journals.

2.                  CLASSIFYING: This is concerned with the  systematic  analysis of the recorded data  with a view  to grouping transactions or entire of a similar  nature at one  place. Classification is done in the ledge which is  the book  continuing in  different pages, individual accounts heads under which financial transactions of similar nature are collected.

3.                  SUMMARIZING: This  involves presenting the classified data in a manner  which is under stand-able and useful to the internal as well as  external end –users of accounting statement . This process will lead to the preparation of accounting   statements such as
  • The trial balance
  • Profit and loss account
  • The balance sheet

4.                   RECORD KEEPING: It records those transactions and  events  in terms of money which are of a financial character   transactions which are not of   financial character are not recorded  in the books of accounts.  E.g. if an organization has employed professionals  who are well  experienced,   it will be of  great  use to the  business but since it is not  of a  financial   character and capable  of  being  qualified  in a monetary terms, it will not  be recorded  in the books of accounts  of the organization.

5.                  ANALYZING AND  INTERPRETATION: In order to  make a meaniful judgment about the   financial   condition and   profitability of business operations,  by  the  end  users of  accounting , information,  the  recorded  data is analyzed and  interpreted.
“Analysis” means methodical classification of financial   statement data with a view to putting  them in  a simplified and understandable form e.g. “Interesting” means to explain the meaning and significance of the acts simplified in the analysis.

6.                  COMMUNICATING: This  is the process of transmitting  meaningfully analyzed and interpreted accounting  information in  a proper form and manner to the  proper persons. The means of achieving this is by preparing and distributing accounting  reports such  as the balance sheet, and  additional information in the form of   
  • Accounting ratios
  • Notes to the accounts
  • Graphs  
  • Diagrams
  • Fund flow statements