The  trial balance only proves the equality of the  debit and credit entries in the ledger. It does not provide a conclusive proofs   of the absence of errors  in the books  of accounts.
Generally, the following types of errors do not affect  the trial balance and  cannot therefore be dictated by  merely extracting a trial balance, since the trial  balance would still balance even when any of the errors  have been committed. They include:
1.                  Error Of Principle: this  type of errors occurs when a transaction is entered in a wrong class of account. It  is a fundamental error which  shows lack of knowledge of accounting principle  eg posting the purchases of furniture (a fixed assist)  to the purchases  ( as goods
bought  for  resale ). This  error is corrected by debiting  furniture   accound and  crediting  purchases accounts. 
2.                   Error of original entry: This error is committed when an initial mistake is made by passing  an  incorrect entry through the books of  original entry and then posting this wrong figure to the ledger  account.  For example, entering a sale N2,600   to Amadu  as n6,200 in  the  books.  To correct this error,  Amadus account should be debited with N3600  (N6200 –N2,600)  and sales account credited  with N3,600.
3.                   Compensating  errors:  a compensating error is  committed when  an incorrect  entry made on the debit side or credit  side of the ledger is compensated  by an equal incorrect entry on the credit or  debit side of the ledger  respectively, example  overcastting the  soles account by N350   and also  the rent account by  the  same figure . Thus  both the debit and credit side of the ledger are inflated by N350 .  The error is corrected by  debiting the sales account by N350  and  crediting the  rent account by N350
4.                  Error of  complete omission or duplication: an error of omission occurs when a transactions is  completely omitted form the   debit nor the credit side of the ledger contains  details of the transactions. A typical example   is when cash of   say N5000  received from Eze  when discovered,  the cash book should be  debited with N5000  and Ezes account credited with N5000. Duplication involves repeating the recording of a transaction in the accounting records with result that both the debit and credit sides of the ledger are entered twice with the same figures
5.                   Error Of Commission: This is an error which occurs when a transaction is  entered in a wrong  account of the same  class . eg  posting a purchases of  goods,  N100,000  from  Ozi in  error to Oza’s  account. This  error is corrected  by debiting Ozas account with N100,000   to cancel the erroneous entry, and crediting Ozi’s account  to  reflect the purchases form him
6.                  Complete  reversal of entries: this error occurs when an item is debited to an account where  it should actually be credited, a credited  to an account where it should be debited.
Example,  a  receipt of cash of N50  from emma is  credited to the cash book and debited to emma’s  account. This  error could be corrected by debiting   the cash book  with  double the  original amount (IE  N100)  and crediting Emmas account with the same doubled figure of N100.
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