One of the findings on this study is that there is financial inadequacy for carrying out the broad aim of public education in Kaduna North Local Government Area of Kaduna State of Nigeria. This fact has been provided by the analysis on table one when ninety-two (92%) respondents of the subjects positively confirmed the correctness of hypothesis one. This is so because of the economic situation in the country. Nigeria find it inadequacy was found to be militating against the smooth running of public education in Kaduna NORTH Local Government Area of Kaduna State of Nigeria.

Research finding number two stated that there are inadequate qualified personnel (academic /non – academic) to run the public education in Kaduna North Local Government Area of Kaduna State of Nigeria.
This idea confirmed by table two when seventy-nine subjects representing 79% agreed with hypothesis two. It is quite clear that inadequate qualified personnel is a hindrance to effective and students performing below the designated standard of attainment in  Kaduna North Local Government Area of Kaduna State of Nigeria.
The next finding is that, lack of infrastructural facilities like well equipped laboratories and libraries classroom, assembling hails, and offices are barriers to public’s education. This claim was revealed in table three when sixty responses representing 60% agreed with the hypothesis. The fact remains there are no seats in some schools, In this hypothesis, It is clear in the table four when eighty –one (81%) respondent agreed with the hypothesis. It is found that the absence of guidance and counseling services is a factor militating against the smooth running of public education in Kaduna North Local Government Area of Kaduna State of Nigeria because pupil made wrong choice of careers as a result of choosing wrong subject s in this early stage, so guidance and counseling was a hindrance to public education.

On the basis of related research and literature and the reported finding, the following conclusions were made.
1.              That the smooth running in Kaduna North Local Government Area of Kaduna State cannot achieve its meaningful objectives and goals without adequate financial support.
2.              That the government had not been able to meet up with the manpower needs for the effective running of public education and hence the private sectors should help government of fund the educational programme.
3.              There were no infrastructural facilities for the successful running of public education in primary schools in Kaduna North Local Government Area of Kaduna State of Nigeria.
4.              That the absence of guidance and counseling service education hinders effective learning and pupils choice of careers in schools that the government should help to send some teachers to school to be trained for this job in order to be able to guide the pupils.
5.              That there were irregular supervision of institution in primary schools in Kaduna North Local Government Area of Kaduna State of Nigeria and this could lower the progress of the public education.
On the basis of the investigation carried out the prospects and problems of running public education in Kaduna North Local Government Area of Kaduna State of Nigeria.
The following finding were:
1.                                                                                                                                                                                That financial inadequacy was a factor militating against the running of public education in Kaduna North Local Government Area of Kaduna State of Nigeria.
2.                                                                                                                                                                                That inadequate qualified personnel (academic/non-academic) to run the public education in Kaduna North local Government Area of Kaduna State of Nigeria.
3.                                                                                                                                                                                That lack of infrastructural facilities such as classrooms, assembling hall, offices  and science equipment are barriers to public education in Kaduna  North Local Government Area of Kaduna State of Nigeria.
4.                                                                                                                                                                                That the absence of guidance and counseling services in public education can militate against effective learning in schools in Kaduna North Local Government Area of Kaduna Sate of Nigeria . 

  On the basis of the report findings and the conclusion drawn, the following recommendations were as follows.
1.              Kaduna  state especially kaduna north local goverenment should providea all necessary school infrastructural facilities such as classrooms, well equipped science laboratories, computer rooms,  and libraries with adequate books.
2.              The state governement should pay greater attension in helping to tranning additional good and qualitied specialized teachers who cqn handle pupils.
3.               There should be an indirect way of collecting funds form the society for the running of public education in Kaduan state with references to kaduna North local government area.
4.              Experts from other countries where  educational system is being practiced should be recruited into Nigeria schools to give enlightment to the administrators concering the benefits and management of the public education especially the schools in kaduna north local government of kaduan state of nigeria.
5.                There should be periodic review of educational programmes to ensure that continuious meeting the needs of child’s in the state and the nation
6.              Studies should be conducted to determine the detail factors militating against the smooth running of public education in kaduna north local government area using more useful source of information and improving methodology to prouce better and detail result.


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Dear Respondent,
This questionnaire is design to gathre useful information that would assist headmasters and the teachers in identifying the problems and prospects of running public primary school in Kaduna North Local Governement A rea of Kaduna State.
 The information you will give shall be strictly kept secret and confidential the approprate option
 Name -----------------------------------------------------------------------------­­­­----
Sex ­­­ male (                )             female (            )
Qualification -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Religion Christianity (   )    Islam   (   )    0ther (  )
Section B
1.              Is the qualification of teacher the priority of the governement in meetin its target in securing qualified personnel for running your school?
(    ) Yes         (       ) No   (    ) undecided
2.              Are your colleagues (teacher) dedicated enoungh  to their duties
(    ) Yes         (       ) No (    ) undecided

3.               Do  you think that inadequate infrastructure facilities in primary schools is problem militating against the smooth running of public educatiom
 (    ) Yes         (       ) No  (     )  undecided
4.              Can lack of adequate facilities lead to ineffective learning and teaching process in public education in your school?
(    ) Yes         (       ) No  (   )  undecided
5.              Has your school equipped laboratory for the teaching of science?
6.              Do you think that school libraries are well eqipped for pupils usage?
(    ) Yes         (       ) No  (   )  undecided
1.              Do you think that the running of the public education will be beneficail to the immedicate enviromnet your school is suitable ?
2.              Inadequcy of finance for the maintance of school is a problem militating against the effective running of public education.
(    ) Yes         (       ) No  (   )  undecided
3.              Does the inadequate qualified personnel in your school militates against effective running of the school
(    ) Yes         (       ) No  (   )  undecided
4.              Pupils make wrong choice of career decision because of lack of guidance and counseling services in schools
(    ) Yes         (       ) No  (   )  undecided
5.              Do you think that there is enough publicity to make the public know thw benefits of the national policy on education
(    ) Yes         (       ) No  (   )  undecided
6.              Is the impelmentation of the 6-3-3-4 education programme in your school like to produce more professionals than academicians
(    ) Yes         (       ) No  (   )  undecided
7.              Suggest ways by which the problems of running public schools could be remedied
(    ) Yes         (       ) No  (   )  undecided