NABTEB Center Approval Criteria - NABTEB Orgnational Vocational Qualifications NVQ

NATIONAL VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (NVQ): About NABTEB - NABTEB is an awarding organization for the National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ).  This is the program introduced by the Federal Government of Nigeria to the education system, for both private and public sectors.

It is designed to eradicate the inability to harmonize the activities in the classroom and the requirements or expectations of learning outcomes by employers and society. School leavers are expected to display the relevant skills, dexterity and competency in carrying out their job specifications or roles. The framework offers accreditation for competency and recognizes not only the skills to do the job, but provides the background (underpinning) knowledge to help learners understand why we work in the manner we do and the consequences of not being competent and working within legislative guidelines.

What NABTEB Does

They are accredited by the Federal Government through the Federal Ministry of Education, with National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) as regulators, to be the external moderator to assure quality for the National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ).  The National Occupational Classifications as it relates to Occupational Standards are incubated in the NVQ programs.  Therefore, we assure competency delivery to: Employers, Learning providers, Training outlets. They assure standards as required or expected with a view  to ensuring that there is consistency in interpretation and application for the National Occupational Standards.

National Occupational Standards (NOS)

The NOS is the expected learning outcomes as spelt out by the various Sector Skill Councils in collaboration with the industries.  The various Sector Skill Councils are expected to classify the various levels of competency that the worker should display in carrying out their various job specifications or roles. The NOS are not static, they are regularly being changed, as new ways of doing things emerge, and also as new trades or divisions within a trade capsule become apparent. The NOS call for continuous professional development for its practitioners to fill in the gap in skill acquisition and the expected job performance or role. Read more



The purpose of this document is to acquaint any centre with the simple step -by-step procedure for
NABTEB approval visit.


Apply to become a NABTEB approved centre.
Download the application form (NABTEB/NVQ/002) for centre approval from NABTEB website
including NABTEB Approval Criteria Form (NABTEB/NVQ/005).


Acquaint with the details in these forms and complete same accordingly.

STEP THREE: NABTEB approval criteria

Appointment of Approval Advisor (AA).
On receipt of the completed application form, an AA will be appointed for the centre. This
adviser will contact the centre to arrange an acceptable date for the visit. All your questions will
be answered by the AA.


Prior to the approval visit.
Acquaint yourself with the detailed requirements in the approval criteria including the necessary
resources appropriate to the qualification. Develop a checklist for verification. If there is any
change in date scheduled for the approval visit, get in touch with your AA on time.


The approval visit.
Evidence to prove that all the requirements are being met must be provided for the AA,
including the checklist where the centre has other satellite centres that will be involved in the
delivery of the qualifications, ensure that all evidence are in place for all centre.


AA visit report.
A detailed feedback report will be submitted to NABTEB by the AA on the outcome of the
visitation. It is expected that the AA must have discussed the outcome in de tail with the centre


Further action plan.
If the initial visits outcome did not give the expected approval, the AA will develop a further
action plan highlighting all that are necessary to be done in order to meet the criteria. AA and
the centre will now determine the need for a scheduled visit.


Centre is approved.
Once the centre is approved, NABTEB will issue an approved centre certificate and other helpful


Center Support Assistant (CSA)
Centre Support Assistant will be appointed by NABTEB to attend to all your centres’ queries.


Please use this form to request for the delivery and approval for NVQ in your centre. Please ensure you read the guidelines for the approval before completing this form.

  1. 1. Note that inspection visit prior to approval being granted will require the centre to pay the appropriate fee.
  2. The centre and qualification approval will lapse if there is no activity within three years of approval being granted.
  3. Inaccurate information supplied may lead to the withdrawal of alre ady granted approval.
  4. Provide an accessible credit checking process.

Section 1

This is to be completed by the Principal or Chief Executive or Head of Centre that is to be contacted
regarding any queries on this application.

  1. Centre Name:
  2. Centre Number (if known):
  3. Centre Address (Location):
  4. Telephone No. & E-mail address (for correspondence):
  5. Name of Head of Centre:
  6. Name of Centre Coordinator:
  7. Head of Parent Organization details (if institution is a multi-campus college or centre, please provide the name and location address of the Head of the Headquarters):

Section 2

1. THE CENTRE (tick as appropriate)

  • Secondary School ( ) College/Inst of Higher Education ( ) University ( )
  • Adult Educ Centre ( ) Independent Sec. ( ) School Polytechnic ( )
  • Monotechnic ( ) Special Education ( ) Prison Service ( )
  • Industrial/Commercial Organization ( ) Vocational Workshop ( )
  • Vocational Apprenticeship Scheme ( ) Others ( ) Please Specify:

2. Additional Venues: (State address & please note that inspection visit to more than one centre
will attract the appropriate fee per centre)

3. Other Approvals (if your centre is approved by other awarding organization, please indicate

Section 3

State, in clear terms, the type of qualification you inte nd to deliver at the centre (include Code and Title Code, Qualification Title and Level Proposed Start Date Average Number of Candidates Per Annum The centre may apply for appropriate Numbers of NVQ they wish to deliver with appropriate fees.

Section 4

DECLARATION: This declaration is to be signed by the Chief Executive or Centre Manager, or Principal or Head of Centre as his designation will be responsible for the Quality Assurance and regulatory requirement. You confirm that the organization for which we request approval:

  1. has the necessary financial, technical, management resources to deliver NABTEB NVQ.
  2. will adhere to NABTEB’s terms of business.
  3. will use buildings/facilities for assessmeassessment purposes that permit access for all candidates in accordance with relevant legislations
  4. will cooperate with NABTEB’s monitoring activities
  5. ensure that there is consistency of the: i. Tracking of learners’ progress and transmission of assessment outcome. ii. Standards and the security of assessment records. iii. Recording of accumulation and transfer of credits and exemptions
  6. has policies and practices that support equality of opportunity.
  7. will support candidates in the event of centre closure.
  8. has Quality Assurance and management processes that apply across all satellite centres.
  9. has arrangements in place to: i. obtain on behalf of its learners, a unique learner number (ULN) and a learner record. ii. use the record of the learners’ previous achievements to obtain credit transfer and exemption where necessary. iii. assist its learners secure Workplace for on-the-job- assessment.
  10. Where a partnership arrangement exists, the respective roles are documented and made available to NABTEB.

You confirm that the information supplied to NABTEB in connection to this application is true, complete and accurate and that I am authorized to register this application as an NVQ assessment centre with NABTEB. You also confirm that I have read and a greed with NABTEB’s terms of business. You understand and accept that NABTEB retains to itself the interpretation of the examination


NABTEB will provide centres with instructions and guidance on record keeping. Instructions will specify the minimum information required to track learner's progress and to allow for the independent
authentication. This may include:

  1. List of all learners registered for each qualification offered, including; i. Learner's name ii. Date of birth iii. Contact address iv. Workplace address and contact details v. Assessor(s) name(s) vi. Internal verifier(s) name(s) vii. Date of registration with the awarding body (NABTEB)
  2. Learner assessment records detailing; i. Who assessed what and when ii. The assessment decision iii. The assessment methods used for each unit/component iv. The location of the supporting evidence
  3. Records of internal verification activity detailing: i. Who verified what and when ii. Details of the sample selected and its rationale iii. Internal verifier standardization meetings iv. Assessor support meetings v. Assessor and verifier competence and the monitoring of assessor/internal verifier progress towards achievement of required qualifications.
  4. Requirements for the retention of learner evidence
  5. Records of certificates claimed – including unit certificates – who claimed them and when.

NABTEB will require centres to retain these records for a minimum of three years in of case any issues arising from external verification or appeals. Such records must be made available to the regulatory authorities upon request.


1. NABTEB whose registered address is No. 1 Ikpoba Hill, P. M.B. 1747, Benin City, Edo State,
Nigeria. AND
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. This agreement remains valid from the date of agreement above and will remain in place while the
centre is delivering NABTEB Qualifications or until terminated in line with the termination clause in the agreement.
4. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agreement is to clearly specify the role and responsibilities of a centre in its dealings with NABTEB as a regulated awarding organization and vice visa. By signing this agreement the centre confirms its understanding of the agreement and agrees to adhere to the requirements herein. The terms specified in this agreement will be referred to where there is any dispute or disagreement relating to the role and responsibilities of the centre or the awarding organization.
Centre means an organization undertaking the delivery of NABTEB Qualifications Awarding Organization means (NABTEB), an organization recognized by the qualification regulators. Regulators means the qualifications regulators in Nigeria. General Conditions of Recognition means the general conditions of recognition issued by National Board for Technical Education or any subsequent version of this document.
6. Points Hereby Agreed. The Centre hereby agrees that it will:
General Conditions of Recognition: Take all reasonable steps to ensure that NABTEB as a regulated awarding organization is able to comply with the requirements of the general conditions of recognition.
Legislation: i. Undertake the delivery of NABTEB qualifications in accordance with all relevant legislations. ii. Ensure all accommodation and equipment used for the purpose of qualification delivery and assessment complies with the requirements of Health and Safety Legislation. iii. Comply with the requirements of data protection legislation in relation to all learners' dates.

Centre Workforce: i. Have in place appropriate staff and relevant systems before the qualification(s) is/a re-made available to learners. ii. Retain a workforce of appropriate size and competence in order to deliver the qualification(s) effectively and efficiently. iii. Have sufficient managerial and other resources available in order to deliver the qualification(s) effectively and efficiently. iv. Provide staff with appropriate inductions and professional development to ensure staff maintains the relevant expertise and competence to deliver the qualification(s). v. Supply staff CVs and other evidence (i.e original certificates ) to NABTEB in a timely manner upon request. vi. Ensure that staff involved with a qualification, understand the relevant specification, policies and procedures supplied by NABTEB. vii. Ensure effective internal communication systems are in place to keep all releva nt staff
informed of current NABTEB policies and procedures. viii. Ensure that quality assurance and management processes are in place and that these apply across all satellite locations.
Resources: i. Use premises that allow access for candidates in accordance with relevant equalities
legislation. ii. Maintain adequate systems and resources including, where appropriate, equipment,
materials and software to support the delivery of the qualification(s). iii. Have appropriate arrangements and agreements in place with any th ird parties or suppliers who provide goods or services to the centre which contributes to the delivery and/or assessment of the qualification(s).
Promotional Material: i. Gain approval from NABTEB for any material used to promote the qualification(s) prior to publication. ii.  Adhere to NABTEB guidelines in relation to the use of its logo.
Learning Materials: i. Maintain and acknowledge NABTEB copyright throughout all learning materials provided by NBTE. ii. Ensure that copies of learning materials provided by NABTEB are us ed only for preparation of candidates for the relevant qualification(s). iii. Ensure that NABTEB materials are not placed in electronic form in any place where they can be assessed by an unauthorised person.
Learner Registration and Certification: i. Register each learner in line with NABTEB requirements to ensure that each learner is uniquely identified. ii. Register candidates for assessment in an efficient manner following any timescales laid down by NABTEB. iii. Take appropriate and reliable steps to confirm each learner ’s identity prior to the time of assessment. iv. Have arrangements in place that allow for recognition of prior learning where appropriate. v. Use the record of a learner’s previous achievements to ensure that opportunities for credit transfer and exemption are maximized, where learners' consent is given. vi. Have arrangements in place to obtain on behalf of learners, a unique learner number (ULN)where appropriate and a learner record. vii. Take all reasonable steps to guard against fraudulent or mistaken claims for certificates.
Assessment: i. Comply with all requirements specified in the centre handbook in relation to the
assessment of the qualification(s). ii. Ensure the security of all assessment materials in respect of storage and the handling process in line with NABTEB requirements.
Retention of Records: i. Maintain all learner records and details of achievement in an accurate, timely and secure manner in line with NABTEB requirements and data protection legislation and
make these records available to NABTEB. ii. Take all reasonable steps to comply with requests from NABTEB or regulators for information, data or documents in relation to learner records and details of
Access to premises, People and Records: i. Provide NABTEB and the regulators, on reasonable notice, usually 7 days, access to premises, people and records as required including satellite sites.
Malpractice and Maladministration: i. Take all reasonable steps to check and prevent incidents of malpractice or maladministration. ii. Promptly notify NABTEB of any incidents of malpractice or maladministration in line with the requirements of NABTEB malpractice and maladministration policy. iii. Take all reasonable steps to investigate any suspected incidents of malpractice or
maladministration and rectify any negative impact of these incidents. iv. Have in place robust procedures for investigating incidents of malpractice or maladministration. v. Develop an action plan for managing and rectifying the negative impact of any incidents of malpractice or maladministration and make this action plan available to NABTEB as required. This plan should also identify any areas of improvement required to ensure the malpractice or maladministration does not occur in the future. vi. Take appropriate and proportionate action against those responsible for the malpractice or maladministration to ensure it does not occur in future. vii. Deliver, in full, the actions required to manage and rectify any identified incidents of malpractice or maladministration. viii. Regularly review procedures for preventing and investigating incidents of malpractice or maladministration and make any improvements necessary to ensure they remain relevant and fit for purpose. ix. Provide access to documents, records, data staff, third parties, sub -contractors, learners, satellite centres or any other resource required by NABTEB during an investigation of centre malpractice or maladministration.
Monitoring activity and Investigations: i. Fully cooperate with NABTEB and the regulators in carrying out any reasonable monitoring activities. ii. Agree to the application of NABTEB sanctions policy. iii. Complaints, Results Enquiries and Appeals iv. Operate a complaint handling process, a result enquiry and appeals process for the benefit of learners. v. Adhere to NABTEB’s result enquiry and appeals policy and provide information and support to enable learners access the result enquiries and appeals process.
Management of Third Parties and Sub-contractors: i. Implement and maintain an effective system for the management of all third party and sub-contracted services and any satellite sites affiliated to the centre and ensure that all policies and requirements referred to in this agreement apply to these third parties and sub-contractors. ii. Ensure that where a partnership arrangement exists, the re spective roles and responsibilities are documented and made available to NABTEB as required. iii. Have in place agreements with third parties and sub -contractors to ensure that all policies and requirements referred to in this agreement are enforceable with third parties and sub-contractors. iv. Ensure effective communication systems are in place with third parties and subcontractors to keep them up-to-date with the requirements of NABTEB and the regulators.
Withdrawal of Approval: i. Co-operate fully with NABTEB in case where NBTE decides to withdraw the centre from its role in delivering a qualification. This cooperation will be provided whether the withdrawal is voluntary or not from the centre’s perspective. ii. Adhere to the process specified by NABTEB for the with drawal of the centre from the delivery of the qualification(s). ii. Take all reasonable steps to protect the interests of learners in the case of such a withdrawal as referred to in point 15.1 above. This will apply whether the withdrawal is voluntary or not from the centre’s perspective.
Payment: i. Provide payment to NABTEB in respect of centre and candidate fees in line with NABTEB stated terms and conditions.

Awarding Organization’Ss Responsibilities
NABTEB hereby agrees that it will:

  1. • Set out all the requirements with which the centre must comply in order to continue to
  2. deliver the qualifications. These requirements can be found in the centre’s handbook.
  3. • Provide effective guidance to the centre in respect of the delivery of qualifications.
  4. • Answer accurately, fully and within a reasonable time any reasonable enquiries received
  5. from the centre or its candidates.
  6. • Publish a specification for each of its qualifications
  7. • Publish and make available to the centre, policies in relation to:
  8. • reasonable adjustments and special consideration.
  9. • result enquiries and appeals.
  10. • malpractice and maladministration.


  1. • Publish and make available to the centre, sanction policy to be applied in the event that
  2. the centre fails to comply with requirements.
  3. • Upon request, provide the centre with guidance on how to best prevent, investigate and
  4. deal with malpractice or maladministration.
  5. • Specify a process to be followed in any withdrawal of the centre, whether voluntary or
  6. not, from its role in delivering a qualification, or from qual ification delivery/centre
  7. approval in general.
  8. • Take all reasonable steps to protect the interest of learners where the centre withdraws
  9. from the delivery of a qualification.
  10. • Comply with the requirements of data protection legislation in relation to all per sonal
  11. data supplied by the centre.

This agreement can be terminated by either party, in writing, with at least seven days notice.

Centre Agreement and Declaration
You, the undersigned declare that the centre understands that this is an enforceable agreement
between the centre and NABTEB. I further understand and agree that this agreement applies
for whole period of time during which the centre operates as an approved centre of NABTEB
and that NABTEB has the right to issue updates and am endments to the agreement from time to
time. I accept that if the centre defaults on the commitments made in this agreement, it may lead to the removal of qualification approval and possible centre recognition status in line with
the sanctions policy of NABTEB. I declare that I am authorized by the centre to sign this
agreement on behalf of the centre. I agree to act in accordance with the requirements specified
in this agreement: 

The parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed on the date of agreement
specified above.