1.    A room is heated by means of a charcoal fire. A man standing away from the fire is warmed by ____
 (a) conduction
 (b) radiation
 (c) convection                    
(d) reflection

2.    The increase in the volume of 10cm3 of mercury when the temperature rises by 1000c is 0.182cm3. What is the cubic expansivity of mercury?                   
(a) 0.000182k-1 
(b) 0.0000182k-1
 (c) 0.000178k-1 
(d) 0.00182k-1

3.    On a cold morning, the metal blade of a cutlass feels colder to touch than the wooden handle because
 (a) the blade is at a lower temperature than the handle
 (b) the hand is at a lower temperature than both blade and handle
(c) the blade is a better conductor of heat than the handle
 (d) the handle is a better conductor of heat than the blade 

4.    In the fig below the greatest charge density is at point
4         5
3        2

(a)    1
 (b) 2
 (c) 3 
(d) 4    

5.    A brass rod is 2m long at a certain temperature. What is its length for a temperature rise of 100k, if the expensivity of brass is 18 x 10-6 k-1?                       
 (a) 2.0036m
 (b) 2.0018m 
(c) 2.1080m 
(d) 2.0360m

6.    Which of the these is the correct expression for the gravitation force between two masses 
(a) F = M1M2  
 (b) Gm1m2
 (c) Gm1m2
(d) F = Gm1m2
r2              r            r2                r2

7.    A region or space around a mass in which the gravitational force of the mass can be felt is known as ____ 
(a) electromagnet force
 (b) magnetic force 
(c) gravitational force
 (d) gravitational field 

8.    A copper wire of length 100cm is heated from 400c to 700c. what is the increase in length if the linear expressivity of copper is 17 x 10-6 0c?                     
   (a) 100.050cm
 (b) 100.001cm
 (c) 100.051cm
 (d) 100.002cm 

9.    Heat is developed in a wire through which a current is passed. On which of the following does the heat developed depend?

(1)    the time for which the current passes
(2)    the square of the electric currant
(3)    the resistance of the wire 

(4)    the melting point of the wire 
 (a) 1 and 2 only
 (b) 1,2,3 only
 (c) 1,2, and 4 only
 (d) 2 and 3 only 

10.    An electric lamp is marked 240 volts, 60 watts. What is its resistance when it is operated at the correct voltage
 (a) 1/960 
(b) ¼
 (c) 4
 (d) 960

11.    The headlamp of a car takes a current of 0.4 ampere from a 12 volt supply. The energy produced in 5 minutes is ?
 (a) 24J 
(b) 240J
 (c) 330J
 (d) 1440J

12.    ____ is defined as the rate of flow of electric charge along a conductor                 
 (a) electric resistance
 (b) electric current
 (c) electronic
s (d) static electricity

13.    Which of the following surface will absorb radiant heat energy best?                          
  (a) white\
 (b) red 
(c) yellow
 (d) black 

14.                        40Ω



Calculate the total energy developed in 5minutes by the system above
 (a) 120J (b) 144J (c) 240J (d) 8640J
15.     ____ are materials which allow electric currents to flow through them easily (a) insulators (b) electric allowances (c) let electric pass (d) conductors
16.    All these are insulators except ____ (a) dry hair (b) sulphur (c) acids (d) silk
17.     When an ebonite rod is rubbed with fur, the rod acquires a ____ charge                 (a) positive (b) negative (c) neutral (d) natural
18.     A short chain is usually attached to the back of a petrol tanker trailing behind it to ensure that the (a) petrol tanker is balanced on the road                   (b) heat generated by friction in the engine can be conducted to the flow  (c) charges generated by friction in the tanker is conducted to the earth                 (d) tanker moves slowly as the chain touches the road surface
19.     Three 3.0 ohm resistors are connected in parallel. What is the equivalent resistance? (a) 9.0 ohms (b) 3.0 ohm (c) 1.0 ohm (d) 6.0 ohm
20.     ___ is the rate at which work is done (a) work (b) momentum (c) power               (d) force
21.     The opposition to the flow of charges (electrons) or current is known as ____ (a) conductor (b) resistance (c) opposition (d) insulation
22.     It is advisable to wear white dresses in the tropics because white can                  (a) absorb sweat  reality (b) absorb all radiant heat (c) conduct heat away readily from the body (d) reflect radiant heat
23.     In which of the following is the expansion of solids a disadvantage? (a) the fitting of wheels in runs (b) fire alarms (c) the thermostat (d) the balance wheel of a watch
24.     A solid metal cube of side 10cm is heated from 100c to 600c. if linear expensivity of the metal is 1.2 x 10-5k-1, calculate the increase in its volume (a) 0.6cm3 (b) 1.2cm3 (c) 1.8cm3 (d) 3.63cm3
25.     Heat transfer by convection in a liquid is due to the (a) translator motion of the molecules of the liquid (b) increased vibration of the molecules of the liquid about their mean positions (c) expansion of the liquid to evaporate at all temperatures 
26.     A/AN ____ is an instrument used for the detection and testing of small electric charges (a) electrophorus (b) gold leaf (c) electroscope (d) induction
27.     Two 5.0kg spherical balls are placed so that their centres are 50.0cm apart. What is the magnitude of the gravitational force between the two balls?               {G = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2kg -2} (a) 6.67 x 10-8N  (b) 6.67 x 10-9N (c) 6.67 x 109N      (d) 66.7 x 10-9N
28.     A building can be adequately protected from lighting by (a) using asbestors for the roof of the house (b) fixing a long copper strip from the ground along the outside wall to the sharp vertical spike (c) fixing a long wooden pole with sharp spakes to the outside wall (d) planting trees round the house
29.    Two resistor 5.0          each are connected series. What is the equivalent resistance? (a) 10.0          (b) 3.0         (c) 2.5            (d) 0.25
30.     Under which of the following condition is work done (a) a man support a heavy load above his head with his hand (b) a woman holds a pot of water (c) a boy climbs into a table (d) a man pushes against a statuary petrol taker


(answer three questions only from this section)

1.    (a)i. what is a field and gravitational field?
    ii. State Newton’s law of universal gravitation
   iii. write down the expression for the gravitational force between two masses
(b) Calculate the force or attraction between two small objects of mass 10kg and 50kg respectively which are 10cm apart. Take G as 6.67 x 10-11Nm2kg-2
2.    (a)i. what is fusion freezing and evaporation?
ii. explain why a tile floor feels colder to the feet than does a rug in the same room
(b) i. what is meant by the statement the linear expensively of a solid is 1.0 x 1.0-5k-1?
         ii. State and explain the three (3) modes of heat transfer
3.    (a) i. Draw and label a gold-leaf  electroscope
ii. List the ways of charging a conductor
   iii. distinguish between conductors and insulators
(b) i. Define (a) gravitational field (b) acceleration due to gravity
     ii. mention three (3) types of field known to you
4.    (a) I. define electric current and resistance
     ii. state Ohms law
    iii. for resistors of resistance 1Ω, 2Ω, 3Ω, 5Ω are connected in series and afterwards in parallel. Calculate the combined resistance in each case
(b) i. define one kilowatt-hour (kwh)
     ii. an electric appliance take 5A when operated on a 220v supply. Find the cost of operating the appliance for 12hours at 10kobo per kwh