If Maslows
theory is true, there are some very important leadership implications to enhance workplace motivation. There are staft motivation opportunities by motivating
each employee through their style of
management, compensation plans, role definition, and company activities.
Motivation : Provide ample breaks
for much and recuperation and pay
salaries that allow workers to buy life’s essentials
Safety Needs: Provide a working environment
which is safe, relative job security,
freedom from threats.
Social Needs: Generate a feeling of acceptance, belonging and community by reinforcing
team dynamics
Motivators: Recognize achievements,
assign importance projects and provide status to make employees feel valued and appreciated.
Actualization: Offer challenging and meaningful work assignments, which enable innovation, creativity and progress according
to long term goals.
everyone is not motivated by the same
needs. At various points in their lives
and careers, different needs,
it is
imperative that you recognize
each employees needs currently being pursued.
In order to motivate their employees,
leadership must be understand the current level of needs at which
the employee finds themselves and
leverage needs for workplace motivation.
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