Agbasi (1974:7) defined guidance and counseling as a process of helping an individual to understand accurately both himself and the world of work. This particularly refers to specific education and job requirements of occupation available to him.

  According to Nwafor (1981:19), guidance and counseling services have not been fully implemented in most Nigerian primary school because of the inadequacy of trained manpower and materials for carrying out the services,in Kaduna North Local Government Area of Kaduna state of Nigeria this has inhabited the manifestation of some key problems hindering the school
which the trained counseling could have identified easily.

  The implication is that the period when the child undergoes primary school education is during his pre-adolescent time when he supposed to receive more care. Because there is no effective guidance and counseling service, most pupils find it difficult to adjust themselves to situations when they are confronted with the choice of career in life.

  Nwofor (1981:20) further suggested that guidance and counseling should be fully included in primary school. The author emphasized that the practice will ensure that students or pupils benefit fully from the country’s educational system as their proper guidance will lead them to become better future administrators of schools.
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