Poverty is the state of human beings who are poor. That is having letter or no material means of surviving. Little or no food, shelter, cloths, healthcare, education, and other physical means or living and improving one’s life .some definitions of poverty, are relative rather than absolute, poverty, reduction  should not be considered to apply to measures which resulted  in absolute decreases in living standards, but technically lifted people out of poverty. Poverty alleviation also involves improving the living conditions of people, especially farmers who are already poor. 

Raising farmer’s income is described as the core on the antipoverty effort as that quarters of the poor today are farmers Estimates shows that growth in the agricultural productivity of small farmers is average at least twice as effective in benefiting the poorest half of the country’s population as growth generated in none as agricultural sectors. The issue of poverty among farmers has been described as pervasive and palpable on the farmers especially the rural dweller.

This is in spite of the country’ s last natural and human resources .poverty is not only a state of existence but also a process in the many dimensions and complexities. It has been estimated that poverty among farmers in Nigeria will increase by two, thirds with the possibility of 60% of the population of farmer living below poverty line in ten years. Consequent upon the foregoing. 

This study determined the micro lovely impact of national fadama !! Project on rural farmers in Nigeria .specifically, it sought to describe the socio-economic characteristic of the beneficiary and non beneficiary farmers, determine the poverty line poverty, gap between the fadam !! And non fadama!! Farmers determine the effect of the programmer on participants farm income, output and farm size a multi stage random sample techniques was used to select 240/ 120 apiece for fadama !! And non –fadama !! Farmers I respondents from which input-output data where collected instrument of data collection was through a set of structured and pro-tested questionnaire. The study employed mean and frequency counts, poverty parameters and paired t- test statistic as analytic al tools the results of the analysis. 

For the success of any poverty alleviation programmer, however knowledge of the profile of poverty in that society is essential. Studies have shown that Agriculture is the locus of majority of poverty alleviation programmer in Nigeria. This is obvious because agriculture remains the mainstay of Nigeria economic, contributions about 40% of the total GDP and employing about 77% of the working population .one of the suggested  ways of reducing poverty among the farmers is utilizing the unimproved recourse of the farmers for improved income earnings and living standard in other word ,it will enable the rural farmer to increase their  level of production of economic goods as well as their income level which translates into enhanced standard s of living. This can be achieved by enabling the poor farmers to increase their agricultural output, so as not only to improve their incomes but to lift them above subsistence level.

(1) National Agricultural of ten turn and Research liaison service.
(2) Ezek Ci poverty profiles and determinants of expenditures of rural woman house holds.
(3) Central bank of Nigeria /world bank ,in collaborative study on Nigeria prospects for development.
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