NECO Civic Education Questions & Answers 2017 | OBJ and Theory Answers.

NECO Civic Education Questions and Answers 2017 | OBJ and Theory Answers.

Civic Education NECO Questions 2017 | Today is the exam date for NECO civic education and in today's article, we will give showing you past Civic Education objective and theory random repeated questions for free.

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NECO Civic Education Question and Answers

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Question No1) Explain the following;

  1. -Life Coping Skills
  2. -Manipulative Skills
  3. -Intellectual Skills
  4. -Communicative Skills
  5. -Artistic Skills.

1. Life Coping Skills These are natural skills which every organism including man, acquires from birth to adapt fittingly in his or its environment. They are survival Instincts or skills. They are natural things we do to survive, avert dander and assert our individuality, e.g., crude farming, running on an
errand, hunting, learning to make shelter, fishing, obeying laws and authorities, avoiding conflicts, etc

2. Manipulative Skills : these skills are seen in skills acquisition centres as it involves economic activities that inculcate skills such as technical education. Computer, field events, mining, manufacturing, technological works, scientific experiments, construction, engineering, productive ventures, gadgets and machine manipulations (whether digital or analogue), building, wielding, carpentry, mechanics etc.

3. Intellectual Skills : these skills are coordinates in character. It is the literary or theoretical frameworks that guide the practical aspects of the works, economic and scientific undertakings. In the primary sense, it is called brain work. Without the intellectual skills, no other skills can function as
they are the master minds, motivators and co-coordinators.

4. Communicative Skills : Communication is a very important aspect of our life. Man evolved communications skills as a social being to enable him pass or send information from one person to the other or from place to place. Communicative skills assist the intellectual skills to be expressed adequately and specifically.

5. Artistic Skills: These are close to communicative skills and are more complex. Includes they art of good writing, fine and applied arts, music and drama. These skills make effective use of all the other four kinds of skills where necessary

2a), Responsible parenthood suggests the responsibility of parents to guide ,protect and provide for the basic needs of their also means parenting with unconditional love which could last a life time

  1. Presently Providing for the household financial needs: It is the responsibility of the parents (most especially the father) to look for money to keep the family.
  2. Also Caring for the family: The parents (father and mother) must prove that they are responsible by caring so well for the children.
  3. For instance, Giving the children education: Responsible parents are expected to give the children qualitative education at home and school.
  4. Additionally, Accommodation: It is the duty of the parents to provide accommodation for their children.
  5. Cultural training: Similarly, Responsible parents are expected to train their children cultural heritage. Let them know the customs and traditions of your people.

  • i .right to life,security and privacy
  • ii. right to education
  • iii.freedom of movement

AIDS stands for Acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
HIV : Human immunodeficiency virus.

  1. As a matter o fact, Inflammation of the Brain and Spinal Cord
  2. Furthermore, HIV increases the risk of colds, influenza, and pneumonias.
  3. Finally, Without preventive treatment, people with advanced HIV are susceptible to tuberculosis, pneumonia, and a disease called pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP). PCP causes trouble breathing, cough, and fever.
  4. HIV/AIDS raises the risk of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH).
  5. PAH s a type of high blood pressure in the arteries that supply the lungs.
NECO Civic Education Questions & Answers 2017 | OBJ and Theory Answers.

  1. Limit your number of sexual partners.
  2. Get tested and know your partner’s HIV status.
  3. Get tested and treated for STDs.

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Hidden 2017 NECO Civic Education Answers & Questions (Expo/Runz)

  1. ‎2017/2018 Neco Civic Education Expo/Answers/
  2. Runz, 2017/2018 Neco Civic Education Questions
  3. and Answers Expo, Neco 2017 Civic Education
  4. Expo/Runz, Neco 2017/2018 Neco Civic Education
  5. Answers, 2017/2018 Neco Civic Education Runz
  6. Obj Expo, 2017 Neco Civic Education Essay Expo/
  7. Runs, 2017/2018 Neco Ssce Civic Education
  8. Questions and Answers Expo‎

NECO Civic Education 2017 Past Questions & Answers | OBJ & Theory/Essay

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