I Cannot Apply for FCSC Recruitment Portal 2016 - See Solution Here @ www.fedcivilservice:gov.ng

As you may have been informed that the Federal Civil Service Commission is recruiting since September 19 2016 as the online recruitment was published on the internet and news papers. However, it has been noticed that the website is sometimes very slow and displays error messages like: "500 - Internal server error. There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed."

These issues arise because of the volume of traffic the website generates per second. This means that too many users (job applicants) assess the website every minute just like you and everyone wants to be the first to apply for the FCSC recruitment posts and cadres just like you are.

Apply Here for Federal Civil Service Commission Recruitment Portal - Registration Forms

I Cannot Apply for FCSC Recruitment Portal 2016 - See Solution Here @ www.fedcivilservice:gov.ng

If you have read the from the FCSC official website, you will see a notification message telling users that your ability to easily connect and navigate the Federal Civil Service Commission portal depends largely on the type of device capacity, browser and internet/data services you have on these devices, including internet speed at a Cyber Café or your computer.

How to Register and Apply for FCSC Recruitment without Stress

For you not to have the stress applying for the FCSC recruitment, you will need to follow the following advises below; Download FCSC Application Forms Here
  1. You a fast computer - The computer should be from Dual Core computer
  2. Use Antivirus - You should install a lisenced antivirus and scan your computer of virus, because it may cause your computer to be slow
  3. Use a fast internet network - You can use your MTN, GLO, ETISALAT or AIRTEL modem. You can also use Spectranet, Smile or any other type of modem but you must be sure you are in a 3G or 4G internet covered area because it will facilitate your filling the form
  4. Use an upgraded Cyber Cafe - Make sure the business center or cyber cafe you patronize to fill the form has high quality computers with very fast internet network providers. Slow internet cafes will frustrate all your efforts to fill any application form
  5. Use approved internet browsers - As written on the FCSC website, you are advised to use updated Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome because it is believed to be very fast and ads free
  6. Connect Your computer to power supply - Be sure your computer is connected to a power source to prevent your computer from mistakenly shutting down and you will loose all the data you have already filled.
  7. Smartphones and Tablets - it is possible to apply for FCSC recruitment with your smart device but take this important advise; Do not use your smartphone or tablets to fill job applications because the website is sometimes very slow and it will affect your fill the form.
  8. Get Further Help - If you are confused in filling the forms, please get help from the FCSC officials only. Cyber cafe assistants can also be of help to you but do not pay anyone that claims to be an agent that will enable you to get the job.

 Apply for FCSC Recruitment Here
Finally, it is advised to apply for FCSC recruitment and fill the online forms at night or early hours of the morning when most applicants are asleep. This is because the traffic of the website will be reduced and the forms and application pages will open faster without stress and you will be able to fill the forms successfully.

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