System design is a very important aspect of a software development. The relationship between the input and the output is a product of good design. Good interaction between the end user and the software is the handwork of design: that is, the user interface aspect of the software. The major output from the software design phase is the design itself.

4.0.1    User Interface Design

This software was developed to enhance interactivity normally required in modern software development. In short, every window based application has the potential to create this interaction. Hence, Data encryption and decryption system is not an exception. Splash screen was used to usher-in the package with meaningful introductory information displayed on it that helps to explain the application. The splash screen precedes the login form.
4.0.2    Main Menu Design

The main menu design is the window that comes up after the user must have keyed in his/her username and password. The main menu has major menu items to show which is the major operations of the system. Some of these menu items have other submenu items to specifically carryout any desired operations. The main menu is designed as shown below:

 Figure 4.1: The Main Menu Design.

4.1.0      Input Form Design               

The input Form provides avenue for the user to feed in data or select file into the computer system. Two input forms were used in the cause of developing this application. They are: the login form and the enter key Form. Both of them were designed using controls as textboxes, labels, command buttons and checkboxes. Figure 4.2 and 4.3 below demonstrate how they are designed in this work.

Figure 4.2: Login Form Design.
Figure 4.3: Enter key form design

4.2.0     Database Design

Data encryption and decryption system has one database tables. The table below has to do with the login form and its design is shown below as well.
Figure 4.4: Database Design of the Login Form.

4.3.0      Program Module Design

The menu or submenu performs a specific function. The integration of all of them makes a complete program. Subprogram coded for a particular menu can be used to call up another program menu as the case may be. The computer security: data encryption and decryption system is designed using top down methodology. Hence, programs are implemented in modules giving each module a particular task to perform. The program flowchart of figure 4.5 shows both the architectural design and detailed design respectively of the entire system.
Figure 4.5: An Architectural Program Flowchart of the Main Menu Design.