Title page-     -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           i          
Certification-            -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           ii
Dedication-   -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           iii
Acknowledgement-  -           -           -           -           -           -           -           iv
Abstract-        -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           v
List of Table-            -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           vi
Table of Contents -  -           -           -           -           -           -           -           vii       

            This devoted to presentation date collected from the filed the course of this study and to test the research hypotheses that were tentatively formulated in chapter two. The analysis of data shall be based on the returned questionnaires from the field. The social characteristic of respondents will be given a frequency table. A description of the table will also follow each table. The numbers of returned copies of questionnaire from the field. The social characteristic of respondents will be given a frequency table. A description of the table will also follow each table. The numbers of returned copies of questionnaires were 210.
Table 1: distribution of respondent by sex

  Source: field work survey, 2011
The data in the table 1 above shows 33.33% of the respondents are men while 66.67% are female.
Table 2: Distribution of respondents by age.

Source: fieldwork survey,2011

The table ii above reveals the age distribution of the respondents which indicates that 57.5 percent of the total respondents fall into the age bracket of 60-25 (35%) on the male side and (25%) on the female side. Age 70-74 shows 36.25%, age 75-79 indicates 26-25% while the age bracket 80 years and above indicate 45%
Table iii: distribution of respondent by religious affrication 

  Source: field work survey, 2011
The table iii above shows that 45% of the respondents were Christians 31.62% were Musllms, 19.17% were traditional religions people and 4.17% were others (those who do not believe in the existence of God). The table therefore shows that the bulk of the respondents are Christianity who so lunch believes in the existence of God and Jesus Christ.

Table iv: distribution of respondent by marital status

Source: field work survey, 2011
Analysis from the above table reveals that out of: 20 respondents, 5 representing 4.17% are married 23 representing 19.17% are divorced, 54 representing by economic status (occupation)
Table v: distribution of respondents by economic (occupation)  

Source: field work survey, 2011

Table v: distribution of respondents by economic (occupation) 

Table v: shows different distribution of the respondent: It is obvious from the above table that 18.3% of the respondents are civil servants. Majority of the respondents representing 45% are into business while 19.17% of them are farmers.
However, 17.5% of the respondents are artisans.
Source: field work survey, 2011

Table vi: distribution of respondents by educational attainment

Source: field work survey, 2011

From table vi above it was observed that 17.5% of the respondents did not attend school. The total sample others are primary school 19.17% secondary 45% and tertiary 18.3% respective. This table therefore shows that holders of secondary school certificate (WAEC) dominates the sampled population.

Table vii: Source of Income of the Respondents.
Source: field work survey, 2011 table vii above reveals that out of all the 120 respondents 70.83% of them depend solely on their relatives ie (children brothers and sister for their income, while 29.17% of the respondents earn their income from their source which may include petty trading, personal business etc.
Table 4.8: respondents to the situation of the aced.

Table vii: Source of income of the respondents
The figure in the table above show that 8.3% of the respondents assess the situallonof the aged as bad and 29.17% it as poor. This table therefore shows that the bulk of the respondents assess the situation of the aged as poor and thus below average.

Table viii:     Response of the respondents toward heir problems.

Analysis from the above table reveals that 39.17% of the respondents have vision or eye problems while 30% of the them had ear problem and 12.5% had general body palns where as 18.33% had other sicknesses such as fever, headache, heart problems just to mention but a few:
4.1       Test of hypotheses
Ho:      There is no significant relationship between social background and the improvement of the aged and social security in Nwangele.
H1:      There is significant relationship between social background and the improvement of the age and social security in Nwangele
Table ix: relationship between social background and improvement of aged and social security for test of hypothesis one.

Source Calculated By the Researcher
Decision: From the above table, we can deduce that since the x2 calculated as shows in the appendix is less than x2 table at 0.05, we therefore accept the number hypothesis (HO) and reject the altercative Hypothesis (Hi) that is 15.1c16g which of course explain that there is no significant relationship between social back ground and improvement of aged and social security in Nwangele
Ho: There is no significant relationship between economic situation            and the improvement of the aged and social security.    
H1:      There is significant relationship between economic situation             and the improvement of the aged and social security.  
Table x: Relationship between economic situation and the improvement of the aged and socials security for test of the hypothesis two.
Source Calculated By the Researcher
Discussion: From the above table, we can deduce that following the compilation shown in the appendix, the x2 is calculated as 13.000 x 25 and this is less that x2 table which 10.9 ie. 13.00035< 16.5, we therefore accept the number hypothesis (Ho) and thus reject the alternative hypothesis (H1) which means that there is no significant relationship but between economic situation and the improvement of the aged and social security i.e the situation of the economic situation of the aged is not been effective by the economic situation with particular reference to study area.
4.2       Discussion of Findings
            From the study conducted, it was observed that 35% of the respondents were males while 66.67% were females. However a significant number of the male respondents were involved in business and other means of livelihood. In the same vain, most of the women in the study also engaged in business to sustain their life. This trend of course showcases their living standard and as well affords them the opportunity of not staying idle at home it also gives them satisfaction as it enables them to exercise themselves on daily basis irrespective of the fact that some of the respondents source for other means of livelihood as indicated in the course of carrying out this study, majority of them solely depend on their relatives such as brothers, sisters and children for their survival. They are gradually coping and adapting to the socio-economic situation which is the present trend for a substructure.
            Furthermore, the present status of the nations encouraging has changed the thought towards the aged. For example many of the elderly trace their bad condition to people at the national level who uses the resources meant for all and sending for their own selfish interest. This is manifested in the way the aged are been treated today in our society. They are no longer respected by the youth. They are no longer honoured and received as practice traditional days before the advent of modernization, Europeanization and indoctrination era. They are rather seen as witches and wizards which has actually jeopardized the prestige accorded to them during the primordial era.
            In an attempt to improve the lot of the aged, its usual solution in which the government provides most of their basic needs, is put forward, but this is highly neglected because the responsibility is for the children and extended family to take care of their aged parent.
            The situation is so bad that they can’t afford to buy nor purchase the things which they sell.
            Nevertheless, hypothesis one, tested in this study revealed that there is no significant relationship between social background and improvement of aged and social security. But in the real source, there is an association between the two variables because social background has to do with income level, occupation, education and status.
Therefore, the (aged) with good social background will definitely adjust to a given situation. 
Finally, the result in hypothesis two, stated that there is no significant relationship between economic situation and improvement of aged and social security. In most cases, economic structure and improvement of aged are positively related. For instance, and elderly person with viable economic standing will live an enviable life and be heard in the society without any element hesitation.

            This research has attempted to determine the extent to which social security has improve the living standard of the aged with particular reference to the Nwangele people of Imo state, in order to achieve the purpose of this study, a twenty-six (26) item questionnaire was administered on a sample of one hundred and twenty (120) persons of Nwangele North Local Government Area which were tested against the two hypothesis.
            The questionnaire items were aimed at determing, the extent to which the aged in Nwangele could be assessed. The data collected through the questionnaire were duly analyzed using sample percent ages and the hypotheses were tested using the chi-square method.
            The study reveals the demographic background of respondents, their socio-economic and religions life etc.
            Also noted is the fact that most of the respondents were Christians and Muslims but majority of them were women.
            The study revealed that in an attempt to adjust and adopt to the challenging structure of the society, most of the aged in Nwangele are involved in farming and other business in order to meet up with their challenges. Thus, their dependence on their children, relatives is gradually decreasing.
            Moreso, it was observed in the course of carrying out this study that modernization has brought about the evolution of certain problems which the aged in Nwangele did not experience prior to contact with the western cultures.
            The problems ranges from coneliness healthcare, poverty, and loss of respect.
            In the essence, the result of the test showed that there is no significant relationship between social background and improvement of aged and social security in Nwangele. These failures have some consequential effects the aged greedy in their social, economic and psychological needs.
5.2       Conclusion
            In conclusion, social security means a programme of protection, and helps initiated by public legislator, imperatively, it is thus a welfare programmed for the improvement of the aged in every human society, although it differs in coverage, emphasis and even in implementation.
            Furthermore, the research to state that this study would have one way or the other contributed to the understanding of the right of the aged. It would open our eyes a bit to other areas. But since this study is limited to a local government, Nwangele local government areas in Imo State, the findings and the recommendations can be used in other areas, effort should therefore be made by social scientist to further study on the factors affecting the improvement of the aged and social security of the aged in their areas so as to improve the societies awareness and the knowledge of gerontology in Nigeria.
            Apart from this, other studies include social life of the aged in this new millennium ways of improving the aged and social security. This would be understood where policies should be defected. First and foremost, is the present value and important attributed to the older section of the society and must obvious implication of this is the cost of our culture and treatisation.
            The present young generation instead of sitting with their grand parent to listen to folk fales and stones of our heroes they rather prefer to watch tale-vision, video film, vcd playing, ludo game, read novels and others, they do not even want to travel to the village to visit them old grand parents because they feet it would be boring or they will be bewitched. This has made our culture so boring, no excitement in tradition and the cost of pride and dignity in our culture.
            The research therefore conclude that in an attempt to correct this inappropriateness, there should be a meaningful re-orientation and re-defining of our role to the aged. We should discard and new ways of dealings with the aged and go back to the older pattern.
            Moreso, the young generation do not bother to seek advice from people and supposedly semile member of the society, but this research find out that instead of being semile, the old were extremely wise and intelligent, hence it is worth while if the government can provide seats in the parliament for some representative of other section of this society. They should realize that no amount of learning can take the place of wisdom gain through experience.
5.3       Recommendations
            This research would be meaningless and in fact wasteful if recommendations are not made. For result oriented recommendations, the research shall base her suggestions on her findings. Therefore, I wish to make the following recommendations.
            That the government should please establish or create a forum, probably state by state, where the needs of the elderly ones could be catered for with adequate and sound physical and mental health care.
            This should be well organized with responsible people placed in changed.
            Moreso, the government there are a lot of old people out there, who if given the chance will be extremely productitive, although about sixty and that way the government and the individual will benefit. There is some aged (mostly men) who a re still physically and mentally alert enough to continue their jobs, this people will feel great resentment in the fact that they are retired.
            This present a need for the government to involve pre-retirement education, and re-orientation programme so that those that will retire will be probably prepare for it.
            Presently, with the state of economy, there is need for the government to review the pension scheme. The present pension paid is not enough for the old to survive on and in most cases, these people have to give up in banks for hours and at the and they might not get their money for weeks or another’s the government can also help the aged in improving their lot though the provision of instrument form medical care for the aged of all categories (both the formal and informal section) provision of counseling activities of primary and secondary schools and also in tertiary institutions of height learning, subjects and courses that would promote interception and respect for old people (Oyeney, 19 viewing the position of the elderly in terms of their experiences in society, there should also be provision of adequate, and accessible be recreational facilities for the elders.
            This will enhance and promote interaction and co-operation between the elderly and also between the younger generation and aged. And this will greatly promote our culture and traditional heritage.
            Finally the governmental bodies should conduct more research on gerontology since the aged are on important category of our economy. Thus, more awareness by the society should be created for their needs and problems.
            However, since this provision is not avoidable, the young people should take care of the elderly because we will definitely be old one day. It is my sincere belief that if these recommendations should be adhered to, the problems and needs of the aged could be commiserated if not totally discarded in society.

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