COURSE CODE:        MAN 461

Laundry just as the general name means washing of clothes after use. The process of laundry differs from individuals to individual’s even groups.
          Basically clothes are made of different materials such as silk, cotton, sertin, nylon and wool and each of them serve different purposes for the comfortability of human. They as covering for the named body down to give beauty even to represent an occasion or organization.
          However, no matter how it sounds one neither do without wearing of clothes nor it is washing to keep is clean for another use.
          Brahms Laundry services helps to bridge the gap in not just looking good in the clothes you have but making them look smart on you and extend their life span because everything both living and non-living has life span. It is located in Asaba Delta State due to the content power supply that will enable me meet up and save fuel money.

Brahms Laundry services provides services such as stubborn, old clothes renewal, suit washing and both military and co-operate uniform washing.

Most people tend to buy that most costly wears without giving them proper care after use, so we want to create that point that clothes too can talk.
          After our technical washing, we want our customers ever ready and smart that is why we do door to door collection of used clothes and delivery of the Brahms laundry ready one’s.

Business Description
Current Status
The facts of business is based on the capital investment and the profit outcome. Most of our materials used in washing are available in the market but being indigenous  we patronize those home made products because they are more chapter and have no infringement on our customers cloths.
We utilize locally made starch because of its uniqueness, homemade washing soaps and detergent and industrial jik and chemical.
          Clothes are of different types and colour so in our washing we separate white clothing form the coloured one’s for white shirts they are soaked with industrial jik and homemade detergent for 30- 40 mins to enable the stairs dissolve.
          While the coloured clothes are soaked without detergent of prevent washing off the colour but this clothes are washed instantly using the homemade soap. For clothes like polos and suit we wash using sponge not to over lenthered the clothes because they are made of very high fragile texture.
Materials for our services involves
1.      Big baff
2.      Soap
3.      Detergent
4.      Jik
5.      Starch
6.      Sponge
7.      Hangers and pegs
8.      Water
Other necessary equipment are the pressing iron Generator set, water sprinkler, table, shelves, record book, Nylon, collotype and receipt. Many other materials are also available but these are the necessary one.
          For a beginner, one can start from the comfort of his/her room before acquiring shops or even plaza.
          After washing a particular cloth, the cloths are properly ringed and well drained of logging water before being spread under the sun. when the clothes are spread outside for drying, interval check-up are done not to allow the high rays of the sun causing damage to them especially clothes like suits, folos, and coloured shirts like native.
          When washing shirts or native is the same method but the only thing is that shirts like white can be soaked with jik and detergent but native that is coloured is not done so except white and also the quantity of starch applied differs because shirts need little starch while native’s of high texture needs most of the starch. For the suits no starch is applied not even the weeding gown nor the polos.
          The cost of our materials are a bit cheaper because we buy in large qualities and they are homemade.
Soap          -        per bar                                             =       120
Detergent  -        Tin milk equivalent to big sachet   =       200
Jik               -        N180 (Big size)
Nylon                   -        N100 (100 pieces)
And when all this materials are utilized, one still have reserves that can serve a bit longer tog ether more income before purchasing another. Because, already have water situated in house and available buckets and pegs only pay for soap, jik, detergent and starch which after my expenses will leave a little profit for me. The charges are different because of the cloth type which are as follows;
Material                                            Cost (N)
Shirt                                                  150
Native                                               200
Suit                                                   300
Wedding gown                                300
Polo                                                  100
Trousers                                          100
When at least clothes of 10-15 are washed you notice that cost of washing materials are covered because at first I do not buy water and the cost of fueling the generator is resolved thanks to my site of business.

          This business is generally done by people in modern and local method but uniqueness is the sure thing about a business. this business venture is well structured in a way customers sanitization will be met and also remove extra cost for me in managing the business.

          Presently numerous individuals and co-operate bodies are embarking in laundry

Current Status
Presently numerous individuals and co-operate bodies are embarking in laundry business but Brahms Laundry services having noticed this present development have pledge satisfaction to its esteem customers.
          Brahms laundry located in Azaba Belta-state is silted for basic reasons which are too many but few are
          Firstly, the metropolis of Asaba can boast of adequate and coat ant light when compared to places like Bayelsa and Ebonyi. A very industrious and uncreative city with government. Parastals, private firm, banks, schools, companies and hostels that contributed much income to the preserving them.
          We also want to embark on process where banker’s, companies would be registered with us and subsequently we visit them either in their officers or homes to pick-up these clothes and at the end of the week or month we paid and these in unique because the customers might decide to bring in all laundry materials of his/her which we enrich us the more.
          Some laundry firm provide services such as instant deposit of clothes and delivery but they all termed at making huge profit for that moment and making the customer regretting taking his/her clothes there.     Some laundry firm provide services such as instant making huge profit for that moment and making the customer regretting taking his/her clothes there. But at brahmas we avoid the use of washing machines because 80% of clothing fade away easily due to machine wash.

          Most laundry form are sometimes moderate or even high when compared to Brahms Laundry service. They run their activities as follows;
Clothes (per)                                   prices (N)
 Shirt                                                 150/200
Native                                               300
Suit                                                   500
Wedding gown                                500
Polos/trousers                                 100

          When I wash a total number of fifteen shirts at the cost of N150 for each the estimate will be 15 shirts N150 = N2250.
When N2250 – total cost of N180
          I make a profit of N450 and my washing material is also reserved which I will also use for other clothes.
          Because of the high advert of washing machines makes competitive but when one puts on Brahms touched clothing looks perfect and smart because the clothes are renewed and the customer enjoys the pay he/she had made.
          Also stained or condemned clothing are renewed and we also provide prividge of customers even during the raining periods we try as much as possible drying their clothes Electric fan and instantly packaging them when dry for our customers to always look smart and presentable.

There is no major marketing plan but rather greater part advert. Our customers are delivered at their door steps for those who pay the extra charge or they can work into our office to pick up their ready clothes.
          For easy recognition of customer clothes after packaging them we place name taps that can quickly identify the particular owner of the cloth.

To provide customer cordial relationship and also provide more patronage, we devise a means where our customer can bring in clothes for washing that cost up to N1000 and they get any their clothes no matter the texture washed for free this is because we understand customer so much that offer them avenue to benefit much more from Brahms laundry service.
          We also provide a medium where industries, banks or household can do their laundry with us and pay us at the end of the week or month.

Brahms laundry service located in the busy city of Asaha, Delta-state is unique because we surrounded with other existing commercial cities Onitsha, Anambra state and Benin, Edo state with good motorable roads that customer can come and patronize. Basically we serve our customers six (6) days that is Monday – Saturday in a week.

We are determined in providing satisfaction to our customers, so therefore when ever our customer clothes are ready we do mobile business by caching them or text messaging them to alert them that their clothes are set.

The very management of any business depends on it’s goods and aim, that is why Brahms laundry service we make sure each customers clothes are recorded and the customer sign at the point of delivery.
We however place tags to identify each particular customer clothes to avoid misplacement.

For the delivery of our customer clothes we endeavor that our customers request for the door delivery and the extra charge attached.
          The material our cloth washing are basically locally made so we try as much as possible to pay up front to get constant supply. Also for every cloth brought to Brahms laundry service that is up to N1000, the customer get any his/her cloth washed for free.
          Basically, we have water supply and constant power at our disposal but is our aim so we also make available extra hand to assist in the cloth ironing and provide generator set in case there is power failure to enable us meet up to our customers satisfaction.

The essence of investing in business is profit making. When a business no matter the mere capital at the end of the day gives returns to the investors is a lucrative business.
          The initial start up capital of a business differs depending on one’s choice. A basic capital of N5000 for a start and a subsequent capital investment depending on the outcome.

Investing capital of N5000 into the business of laundry will go a long way carrying the business because after purchasing the materials for use, you will also print little flyer with the business location and name which any eye beholds will be eager to know what is new because Nigerians always go for that new product.
          However, if say the materials cost N1300
Advert notice (flyers N2000)
          One can easily start up the business without committing into protocol of borrowing loan and the initial capital of N5000 after expenses one is left with N1200 which can be utilize for awareness and customer cloth delivery.

Current status
          Every business demands capital as its bedrock but the uniqueness of any business is the method of operation. Brahms launder services however a small scale business  or rather a one man business want people to know that looking good is a nice business because one is addressed the way he/she is dressed.
Development plan
          The essence of laundry is making clothing material near and when put on brings out that glowing beauty and smartness.
          For bankers who are more or less so occupied to do their laundry activities can patronize us. Also for company workers who their clothing are caught up with stains like the construction company can see their clothing renewed.
Current status
          Most individuals who are always so busy that looking good and smart is out of their gender can thank Brahms laundry services because things will be done more unique and better. For some others they prefer a particular cloth more pleasing  to them than the remaining cloths of theirs but the uniqueness of our service will eventually make you value every clothing you have.
Development Plan
Most clothing easily loose form and essence but Brahms Laundry, we use clothing material chemical friendly to renew these cloths.
          During ironing we carefully arrange these clothes that after one uses the clothes and keeps it will always remains new until it returns back to us and we service it just the way we know best because we understand the language that clothes speak.



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