The art of business communication has evolved as globalization
has set disparate businesses cultures of the world on a collision
course. Emerging economies have begun to integrate the business cultures
of traditional powerhouse nations into their businesses, and they have
been leaving traces of their own culture wherever they go. The impact of
cultural diversity on business communication has widespread
implications--from corporate boardrooms to employee break-rooms--and
small business owners can benefit from gaining an understanding of the
eccentricities of all cultures to which they are exposed.
Workplace Communication
According to lecturer and author Stephen Dahl, languages are
highly influenced by the unique world views of their indigenous
cultures. This means words and expressions themselves can have vastly
different meanings and implications for people from different
backgrounds. Employees in today's workplaces must be careful to ensure
that their intended messages are understood clearly as they communicate
with culturally diverse co-workers. Taboo topics of conversation,
biases in spiritual, political or social issues and the nuances of life
experience differ between cultures, making it a challenge for co-workers
to find a common ground when communicating. Conflict management styles
vary dramatically by culture as well, creating possible tensions.
Imagine an employee from the Netherlands, where people see arguments as a
constructive and necessary part of communication, trying to solve a
problem with an employee from Japan, where public disagreement is deeply
offensive, and you'll begin to grasp the types of problems that can
arise due to cultural differences.
International Business Communication
In the past, it may have been commonplace for entrepreneurs and
corporate managers to develop their own unique communication style for
dealing with customers, business partners and suppliers. Today, however,
managers must take the time to study the cultural eccentricities of
their business counterparts before attempting to make contact with
people in other countries or from other subcultures. The Texas oil
tycoon, for example, has to understand that grabbing his Chinese
partner's hand in a firm handshake is not a good idea but that a slight
bow and smile are the appropriate form of greeting. Verbal communication
and body language are more important than ever in international
business dealings because innocent hand gestures, mannerisms or even
posture can cause a rift between culturally diverse business partners. The
diversity of culturally distinct managers has been melding slowly as
globalization and Westernization give managers extensive experience in
different cultures.
Written Communication
A fundamental shift in the form of written business
communications is taking place to accommodate foreign speakers.
University business-communication courses now stress simplicity and
readability of correspondence over wordiness and technical prowess in
writing. Being able to get your message across to all readers has become
more important than showcasing a mastery of legalese or the complex
language of business research.
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