The research was based on the need to verify Health Care Financing in Nigeria using Primary Health Care Financing in Ezeagu Local Government Area Enugu State as a case study. It should be noted that findings of this work were made in relation to the scope of the study and result of the analysis of the data collected. Thus based on the analysis of the questionnaire responses, the following findings have been made.

Health care financing by the three local government areas do not have significant effect on Nigerian economic growth.
1.      The application of Primary Health Care Programme is not effective in the Local Government Areas. Such processes like planning, organizing, coordinating, directing etc are not effectively done. The above techniques are applied to enable an organization to be run effectively and efficiently but where they are neglected the results are unproductive.
2.      Resources are not adequately provided for running the Primary Health Care services in the council areas, such resources include personnel, infrastructural facilities and money, if not adequately provided, it affects the lives of the people in the area.
3.      To a very large extent, the people of the local governments areas are not involved in the decision making process as it concerns Primary Health Care services. The result is that programmes which otherwise would have been the case are abandoned after their establishment hence, the people are not well educated or enlightened of the intentions of government concerning such health issues.
4.      There is no enough fund that go into the improvement of health facilities in the areas.
5.      A good number of measures should be taken to improve on the primary health care in the areas. Such measures should include adequate funding, provision of medical personnel, provision of equipment and effective management of programmes.
6.      When health care services are not financed, it leads to decreased in the number of young men and women engaged in economic activities in the areas.
7.      As a result of inadequate funding of the primary health care programme, there is an increase in the frequency of children and maternal mortality rate.

            Health care financing is a right step in a right direction and should be appreciated by the stakeholders in the health sector. When this is done, it will improve the living standard of Enugu state and Nigeria in general.
            Hence, the researcher draws the conclusion to include:
(a)     The local government council should be well equipped to manage the programme. The rural communities which are among the stakeholders or the direct beneficiaries are not involved in the decision making process which would have been the best way to mobilize them and popularize the prgoramme.
(b)     Both federal and state government should donate funds or make funds available to the local councils. They should be involved in formulation and implementation of programme on primary health care delivery. There is an obvious neglect of the autonomy of the council by the superior government. This is counter productive. Unless the superior government assist and accommodates fully local government councils, the realization of the objectives.          

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