During the last several decades, the positive relationship between regular exercise and improved health has been documented in hundreds of published research studies. Early studies of published research studied. Early studies 40 and 50 years ago focused on vigorous exercise and male subjects over the years this body of knowledge has expanded as research focus has expanded to included studies, involving both genders, multiple subpopulations, moderate physical activity more complex research designs, and multilevel approaches.
Use of the socio-ecologic perspective in health promotion research has provided a more complete approach to understanding and intervening in complex health promotion behaviors at community, environmental and policy level. The Social Ecology  mental and policy mode (1) incorporates the multiple interrelated levels of individual, physical environment and social environment variables.

HEALTH PROMOTION STUDIES:- Focus on individuals behaviors.
Historically, studies of health promotion behaviors were descriptive. Studies that tested interventions followed and have primarily focused on individual behaviors only in the last decade have researchers included the environment or the built environment in interventions to improve health promotion behaviors such as increased physical activity and improved nutrition. The built environment refers to community factors such as hand use, transportation systems services, public resources, and building and how these impact health (2) behavior change for physical activity and improved nutrition involves complex factors that are not consistent across subpopulations. Therefore there is no single intervention for improving the health of diverse populations. The following discussion will highlight recent studies that have focused mainly on individual behaviors or that include a socio-ecologic approach.

            During recent decades, the concept of health promotion has become a legitimate part of health care because of the aging of the postwar baby boom generation. As this population ages the potential strain on health care systems will increase because the greatest use of health care service occurs during the last years of life. In older adults there are many correctable health factors that can be assessed through screening protocols. Hypertension, cholesterol, hearing vision, diabetes and cancer screening are well integrated into health promotion programme for older adults exists because of perception that they would not follow such plans or change their life styles. However, longitudinal studies have shown that health promotion activities extend the number of years of health in older people although the relationship weakens in older age. Changes in diet and exercise patterns are most effective in the prevention of nutrition related condition when they are instituted early in life, but positive effect can occur at any age; if nutrition interventions are instituted early, a substantial reduction in health care expenditures may result from a decrease in the incidence or the delayed onset of these conditions changes in behaviors (reducing salt and fat intake) were positively associated with a belief that consuming a healthful diet would contribute to better health. The use of a variety of adult education theories and models will enhance behavior changes that lead to more healthful habits and enable a health educator to be successful in effecting change.

What is health Promotion?
            Health promotion is the process of enabling people to exert control over the determinates and thereby improve their health. As a concept and set of practical strategies it remains an essential guide in addressing the major health challenges faced by developed nations related to human development and health.
            Health promotion is a process directed towards enabling people to take action. Thus, health promotion is not something that is done on or to people, it is done by, with and for people either as individuals or a groups. The purpose of this activity is to strengthen the skills and capabilities of individuals to take action and capacity of groups or communities to act collectively to exert control over the determinants of health and achieve positive change.

            In tackling the determinants of health promotion will include combinations of the strategies first described in the Ottawa charter, namely developing personal skills, strengthening community action and creating supportive environments for health backed by healthy public policy special attention is also given to the need to reorient health services towards health promotion.
            Thus, health promotion will include actions directed at both the determinants of health, that are outside the immediate control of individuals including social, economic and environmental conditions and the determinants within the more, immediate control of individuals, including individual health behaviorus.
            Health promotion is a powerfully relevant strategy for social development in particulars as an import set of strategies to address the factors influencing inequalities in health. Health promotion also encompasses the principles that underlie a series of strategies that seek to foster conditions that allow population to be healthy and to make healthy choices. The range of strategies draw upon multiple fields of thought including anthropology, epidemiology, sociology, psychology and other behavioural sciences, public health, political sciences, education and communication to name a few, and their respective methodologies.

            Health is a resource for life that enables people to lead individually, socially and economically productive lives. It is a positive concept emphassing social and personal (physical mental and spiritual) it has long been acknowledged that there are certain prerequisites for health that include peace, adequate economic resources (and their distribution) food and shelter, clean water a stable ecosystem sustainable resource use, and access to basic human rights. The challenges to meet these fundamental needs must remain a core goal for all action directed towards health, social and economic development.
            Recognition of these prerequisites highlights the inextricable links between social and economic conditions, structural changes the physical environment, individual life styles and health. These links provide the key to an holistic understanding of heath, and are meaningful to people’s lives as they experience them. There are obvious inherent challenges  in achieving the goal of reduced inequities. Virtually all societies struggle with this problem. Achieving complete equality in health status among all who live in northern Ireland could be viewed as an unrealistic goal. But achieving equitable or far access to the opportunities and supportive environments all people need to be healthy is both a laudable and achievable goal in a caring, civilized society. They united nation report on human development suggests that effort to reduce relative poverty and to increase opportunities in education, employment, wages and participation in political and economic spheres are the key strategies for reducing inequities and therefore improving the health and wellbeing of those who live here.

            The fact that health promotion refers to a collection of strategies that can be applied to many health and development issues also means that these strategies must operate within context of something else. Empowerment, advocacy, communications, education, social mobilization, community participation, and so on all buzz-words of health promotion adherents, have little meaning in a vacuum. Nor are these components of health promotion ends in themselves, but means to achieve heal their and fuller lives.

1.a       What is nutrition?
            In business you can have an excellent process to develop, build and deliver excellent products however, without the essential elements supporting the process the right support processes, tools and people in the right roles those products will never live up to the full potential, while they may achieve some success, the result will never live up to the company’s expectations. If you workout or weight lifting program is the process to develop an excellent product- the body you desire for example- then those essential supporting elements are what make up proper nutrition.
            Nutrition is one of the most neglected areas of any body building or fat loss program considering the amount of conflicting information available especially for people who want to build muscle or burn fat, it is no wonder that we often miss the target on nutrition. So, what is nutrition? Nutrition is the process by which we take in and uses food and supplements for health, growth, and energy. Foods contain a series of basic nutrients that the body uses for these function.
These nutrients are:-
-              Macronutrients
·        Carbohydrates
·        Fats
·        Proteins
-              Micronutrients
·        Vitamins
·        Minerals

            Consider again the example of the business process for building an excellent product if we do not provide the right support to the design process, then the product will not meet our expectation. If your product was a car, you would not hand a nail gun to a banker to install the breaks, would you? Absolutely not. You want the right tool in the hands of someone with experience putting breaks on a car.
            You absolutely need right tools in the hands of the right people to get the best results. This is why nutrition is important.
            It is the same with your workout and weight lifting process, you spent time planning and designing your workout and weight and weight lifting routine to deliver your perfect body. Without the proper nutrition to supplement your body building or fat loss effort, you will never have complete satisfaction with your product- your body.
            So, what are the tools to build muscle and burn fat? Those tools come in the form of those nutrients that we discussed earlier- macronutrients-(carbohydrates, fats and protein) micronutrients (vitamins and minerals and water)
            In addition to these nutrients, the amount of calories you consume are an important component of nutrition. You must balance the nutrient ratios to build muscle or burn fat in order to truly optimize your efforts.

            What do we mean by nutrition and calories? Why are the import to build muscle and burn fat?
            On building muscle and burn fat. Com we spent quite a bit of time taking about the 3 underpinnings of building muscle and burning fat.
The three core concepts are:-
·        Eat right the proper nutrition and calories
·        Workout
·        Rest
When you undertake a goal to burn fat and build muscle, you must incorporate all three of these concepts to optimize your progress and get the body you want.

            The first of these key ideas is eating right. Eating right involves not only eating healthy, but also finding the right balance of calories and nutrition to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to meet your fat burning and muscle building goals.
            To put our traditional business spin on nutrition and calories, we think about a company or organization, many of them have a process to increase revenues and profits. This process is analogous to our workouts both weight lifting and cardio, and to our body’s mechanisms to burn fat and build muscle once the workouts are completed.
            In business, in order to make their processes as efficient as possible (and therefore make more revenues and profits) they need the right tools. This would be the people and machinery necessary to get the job done. Not only do you have the right number of people and machine, you also have to have the right types of people and machinery.
            The same is true for your plan to lose fat and gain muscle. You need the right balance of calories- the number of people- and nutrition- the right types of people-to optimize your efforts to build muscle and burn fat. It stands to reason, then, if you do not have the right balance between nutrition and calories, you will not be as successful as you could be.
            To burn fat you need less calories. However, you cannot sacrifice calories at the sake of nutrition. You still need to get the proper rations of nutrients to maintain hard earned muscle. Your process will be optimized for people but they may not be the right type of people. This means that sure, you will burn fat but you will also lose muscle. As this happens, your fat burning process becomes less and less efficient as your metabolism slows from the muscle loss.
            Along those same lines, to build muscle fast, you need to increase the number of calories, however, if you neglect to pay attention to the foods (and thus nutrients) that provide those calories, then you will not build muscle nearly as fast as you had hoped. For example, to gain weight and build muscle, you need to eat more calories than you also known that you need protein to build muscle. Therefore if you get all of your calories from fat and carbohydrates the weight you gain will be primarily form fat and not form muscle. Your muscle building process will be inefficient.
            Just as in business, finding the  right balance is difficult, and, just like the right mix of people is different for every process (and for every process (and for every business you mix of nutrition and calories may also be different. However, there are some rough guideline you can follow to create your ultimate nutrition and calories plan

A network on nutrition and physical activity composed of experts nominated by the member states of WHO and consumer and health also+ been established by the commission services in 2003 to advise the commission on the development of community activities to improve nutrition to reduce and prevent diet-related diseases to promote physical activities to fight over weight and obesity. They network will be closely involved in analyzing the feed back to the present Green paper.

            The importance of nutrition, physical activity and obesity is reflected in the public health action programme and its annual plans, under the health information strand, the programme supports activities aimed at collecting more solid data on the epidemiology of obesity and on behaviorual issues. The programme is putting in place a comparable set of indicators for health status, including in the area of dietary intake, physical activity and obesity. Under the health determinants strand, the programme is supporting pan-European projects aimed at promoting healthy nutrition habits and physical activity. Including cross cutting and integrative approaches which foster the integration of approaches on lifestyles, integrate environmental and socio-economic consideration focus on key target groups and key settings and link work on different health determinants. The commissions proposal for new health and consumer protection programme puts a strong focus on promotion and prevention, including in the area of nutrition and physical activity, and foresees a new action strand on the prevention of specific diseases.

            Consumer information, advertising and marketing consumer policy aims to empower people to make informed choices regarding their diet information about the nutritional content of products is an important element in this respect. Clear, consistent nutrition information about food can, along with relevant consumer education, act as the foundation of information dietary choice, with this objective, the commission has submitted a proposal for a regulation to harmonies the rule on nutrition on health claims. This include the principle of setting nutrient profiles, in order to prevent foods high in certain nutrients (such as salt, fat, saturated fat and sugar) making claims about their potential nutrition or health benefits. The commission is also considering amendments to the current rules on nutrition labeling. As far as advertising and marketing is concerned, it has to be ensured that consumers are not misled, and that especially the credulity and lacking media literacy of vulnerable consumers and in particular children, are not exploited. This regards in particular advertising for food high in fat, salt and sugar, such as energy-dense snatch and sugar-sweetened soft drinks and the marketing of such products in schools.
            Industry self regulation could be the means of choice in this filed, as it has a number of advantages over regulation in terms of speed and flexibility. However other options would need to be considered should self-regulation fail to deliver satisfactory result.

            Improving public knowledge on the relationship between diet and health, energy intake and output, on diets that lower risk of chronic diseases and on healthy choice of food items, is a pre-requisite for the success of any nutrition policy whether at national or community level consistent, whether at national or community level consistent, coherent simple and clear message need to be developed and disseminated through multiple channels and informs appropriate to local culture, age and gender consumer education will also contribute to creating media literacy, and enable consumers to better understand nutrition labeling.