In an era where societal norms and values have been greatly eroded by a culture of assimilation; “MY MEMOIRS” comes in handy as a reflective reminder of what the typical African family should look like.

The book sets you off on a chronological voyage into the well-knit traditional family in a typical African village and opens the window into a myriad of events that will evoke feelings of nostalgia in your veins.

Interspersed with gems of wisdom, “MY MEMOIRS” is an enthralling book that brings to the fore the triumph of will over circumstances and showcases the standard practice of parental influence and authority, a virtue that is fast becoming an outcast and rapidly being eroded by the so-called modern family of our dispensation.

As a product of two worlds, the author was able to articulate the synergy between the well-knit traditional family and the emerging literate family with the demands of modernization.

He also masterfully portrays the discipline and dedication of the quintessential public servant in the years of yore- a far cry from the present breed of public servants whose creed seems to be greed.

Integrity, a core value, has sadly been sacrificed on the altars of covetousness, nepotism and lackadaisical attitude to work.

As you journey through this book, you will come face to face with a true servant-leader, a patriot in whose veins flow the blood of dedicated service.

The journey will however be truncated by the daunting moments and travails of the civil war and the struggle for survival.

If you desire to reconnect and reunite with the society as it once was or to assuage your feelings of nostalgia, then let “MY MEMOIRS” be your travel guide. Navigate through its pages and you will be glad at the end of the expedition.