Radio Nigeria unity FM Abakaliki has a constituted board of directors. The order of hierarchy in Unity FM is thus enumerated in the chart below.
D.G. Headquarters FRCN
Z.D. Zonal Stations FRCN
GMS FM Stations
Department Heads


            He is the highest in rank, has the final order and It is through him that the zonal directors get instructions on how things should be done. He dictates how information should be disseminated to the public.  


            Zonal directors come after the director general. They brainstorm with different general managers of FM stations over what information they get from the D.G. The zonal directors see for the smooth information flow and standard information dissemination on all the FM stations under their zone.

3.         G.M FM STATIONS    
            He makes sure that the audiences don’t lag behind on the account of recent events and happening not only within the area that the Radio Station is located, but also the entire country and the world at large through the scattered correspondents and reporters of the mass media.

            These people see for the smooth operation of all the departments under their care.
            For instance, in Unity FM Abakaliki where there are six departments, the functions of the each departmental head include but not limited to the following:
1.         In News Department:- The editor-in-chief assigns beats for the correspondents and the reporters. He edit news, source for news by himself and coordinates programmes.

2.         Programme Department:- The head of programme creates, plans and produces programmes, dramas jingles. He prepares roll star for the presenters, anchors and monitors them while on air.

3.         Marketing Department:-The head of marketing department makes sure that the department generates enough fund for the firm through his hard work and outreach to the people, creates corporate image of the organization etc.

4.         Administration and Supply Department:-   The head here sees for the welfare and the progress of the organization.

5.         The head of the Finance and Account Department with the people under him keep a very good and accurate records of the organization’s financial account.

6.         The Head Of Engineering Department makes sure that there is smooth operation of engines, mediums and tackles the technical problems in the organization.

TEN Qualities Of Effective Media Chief Executive AS Suggested by RICHARD LYNCH –Online
1.         Recognize People’s Efforts
            Effective leaders praise the work of their managers, the staff, the board and local branches. As monetary rewards are less significant in the third sector, personal recognition is all the more critical recognition is best when it is:
·        Given frequently;
·        Varied;
·        Honest;
·        About the person not just the work;
·        Appropriate for the achievement;
·        Consistent ;
·        Timely given as soon after the event had happened;
·        Individualized to suit the recipient’s need.

2.         Develop Power Base
            The chief executive’s power depends primarily on maintaining the confidence of the board, the staff, and in some cases, the broader membership as well.
            That implies serving them well and, more importantly, gaining and maintaining their confidence. This requires chief executives to demonstrate that they are in command of the organizations affairs.

3.         Use Authority Effectively             
            Chief executives, and in particular those employed by caring organizations, find it difficult to combine caring values with the need to be tough and decisive when circumstances demand a decision that will not please colleagues. The temptation is to give relationships a higher priority when in practice the long-term interest of the organization should be paramount. Authority used effectively increases people’s respect for the leader.

4.         Use the Power of the Position   
            People in positions of power, particularly those recently appointed, often shun the trappings of power. This is an understandable reaction particularly in organization with a history of equality and consensus decision making. It can nevertheless be short-sighted because, like it or not, the status attached to the port is one source of the chief executives influence. Effective chief executives have an office that is appropriate for the job. They ensure they have appropriate administrative support. They sit at the head of table at meetings.

5.         Build a Reputation 
            Managers respect chief executives who have a reputation in their field of endeavor. Chief executives who have the expertise to make press comments or give speeches strengthen their position within their organizations.
            They gain reputation by networking with co-ordinating groups and by building a profile on their field through writing or hosting seminars.

6.         Develop skills and Abilities   
            Leaders constantly strive to increase their expertise both as managers and as people who understand the detail of their field of endeavour. When managers know that they can extend their abilities by working with their leaders, their respect for the leader grows.
7.         Clarify Personal Objectives                     
            Leaders have a burning desire to advice specific objectives. They are clear about organization to accomplish and how they are going to help the organization to realize it. When this is coupled with a passionate belief in what the organization can do, it rubs off on everyone else.

8.         Communicate with Stakeholders 
            Leaders listen to others and the language they use, they put great emphasis on communicating a vision of the future in language that people can understand they take every opportunity to communicate in person and in writing with as many constituencies as possible.

9.         Develop a Positive Self-image            
            Effective leaders are confident of their abilities they strive to increase confidence in themselves and in others. They are optimistic. They get into a various circle in which their success feeds their self image, which in turn leads to further success.

10.       Combine Vision with Attention to detail
            Leaders judge when to focus on the big picture and when detail has to be given attention. Focusing exclusively on either is a recipe for problems.
According To CNN Com Here Are 10 Traits Of An Effective C.E.O
            Here is what two leadership professionals consider to be traits that make up a good C.E.O.
Rachael fisher –Layne, Vice president of media relations, JCPR, a public relations agency.
1.                  Honesty- always do the honest thing. It makes employees feel like they know where they stand with you at all times.
2.                  Focus –know where you are going and have a strong stated mission to lead people on. If you are not sure, how can your people be sure? You have to have strong focus and stay the course.
3.                  Passion –whatever it is, you must have passion for what you are doing live, breather, eat and sleep your mission.
4.                  Respect-No playing favorites with people and treating all people no matter what station in life, what class or what rank in the organization chart the same.
5.                  Excellent persuasion abilities –people have to believe in you and your credibility. Image is everything and the belief people have in you, your product, your mission, your facts or your reputation are key to being great leader. You have to persuade people this, it doesn’t just happen.

Mike Sprouse, cmo, epic media group, and the author of “the Greatness Gap”                     
1.                  Humility have confidence effective media executives but realize the point at which it becomes hubris.
2.                  Empowering –True chief executives make their associates fed emboldened and powerful, not dismissed and powerless.
3.                  Collaborative. An effective leader solicit input and feedback from those around them so that everyone feels part of the process.
4.                  Communicative true leaders share their vision or strategy often with those around them.
5.                  Fearlessness effective leaders are not afraid to take risks or make mistakes. True leaders make mistake born from risk.  
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