This work is supported with little’s theorem. Little’s theorem describes the relationship between throughput rate (i.e arrival and service rate), cycle time and work in process (i.e number of customers/jobs in the system). This relationship has been shown to be valid for a wide class of queuing models. The theorem states that the expected number of customers (N) for a system in steady state can be determined using the following equation:

                                    L = λT  
Here, λ is the average customer arrival rate and T is the average service time for a customer.
            Three fundamental relationships can be derived from Little’s theorem:
·                    L increase if λ or T increases
·                    λ increases if L increases or T decreases
·                    T increases if L increases or λ decreases
Little’s law can be applied in any system in which the mean waiting time, mean line length (or inventory size), and mean throughput (outflow) remain constant. To some extent this is an arbitrary decision, but in most real-world situations, measuring the outflow of a queue is easier than measuring its inflow.  

Conceptual Framework
A queuing system is composed of the following components or parts each of which is described below;
1.                  Calling population (or input source)
2.                  Queuing process
3.                  Queue discipline
4.                  Service process (or mechanism) 
In most cases, queuing models can be characterized by the following factors:
·     Arrival time distribution. Inter-arrival times most commonly fall into one of the following distribution patterns: a Poisson distribution, a deterministic distribution, or a General distribution and are most often assumed to be independent.
·     Service time distribution:  The service time distribution can be constant, exponential, hyper-exponential, hypo-exponential or general. The service time is independent of the inter-arrival time.
·     Number of servers: The queuing calculations change depends on whether there is a single server or multiple servers for the queue.
·     Queue lengths (optional): The queue in a system can be modeled as having infinite or finite queue length.
·     System capacity (optional): The maximum number of customers in a system can be from I up to infinity. This includes the customers waiting in the queue.
·     Queuing discipline (optional): There are several possibilities in terms of the sequence of customers to be served such as FIFO, random order, LIFO or priorities.
      Data were obtained from Next-time through interview with the restaurant manager as well as observations at the restaurant.
Based on the interview with the supermarket manager, we concluded that the queuing model that best illustrate the operation of Next-time is M/M/I.
For the analysis of the Next-time M/M/I queuing model, the following variables will be investigated:
*          λ:         The mean customers arrival rate
*          μ:         The mean service rate
*          p:         λ/μ: utilization factor
*          Probability of zero customers in the restaurant:
                                    Po        =          1 – P                           (2)
·        Pn:  The probability of having n customers in the supermarket.
Pn =  (1 – p)pn                      
·        L: average number of customers shopping in the supermarket.
L = p    =   Î»
     1-p      Î¼-λ 
·        Lq: average number in the queue.
Lq = L x  p    =    p2        =        pλ     (5)
                                      1 – p               Î¼-λ
·        We: average time spent in Next-time, including the waiting time.
W  = L   =  1                                      (6)
         λ     μ-λ

·        Wq: average waiting time in the queue.
Wq  = Lq   =  p                                   (7)
           Î»      Î¼-λ 
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