Basic Business Data
What is your business? (Please briefly describe your business in 10 words or less, for example, "Poultry farming"; "Information Technology consultancy services")Words used: 0/10  

In what sector is your business? (Please choose one from the drop down menu)

Is this a new business concept/idea or an existing business? (Please note that to be an existing
business, you must be able to show verifiable evidence of revenues or business expenses for a minimum of six (6) months prior to submitting this application)
new existing
Why are you in this business or want to get into this business?\Words used: 0/50

What is the current registration status of your business?
Business Concept Business Model
Please describe your business in detail, including a description of your services or products. Words used: 0/250  

What is unique or innovative about your business? What is new or different about your products or services? Words used: 0/100  

Describe your market--who will you be selling your products or services to? (including size of the market, major segments/types of customers, factors affecting the market) Words used: 0/200  

Who are your customers, and how will you reach them? Words used: 0/200  

Who are your main competitors (are there other businesses selling the same products or services)? Words used: 0/100  

What makes your products or services better than your competitors (your competitive advantages, if any)? Words used: 0/150  

Supply Links
What type of inputs do you require for your business? Words used: 0/100  

How and where will you get the inputs for your business (source, price, technology, etc) Words used: 0/100  

What skills and / or experiences do you have to enable you successfully manage the business? Words used: 0/100  

Who else will work with you to manage your business--partners, co-owners (if any)? Words used: 0/50  

What qualifications and / or experiences make these person(s) appropriate? Words used: 0/100  

Business Risks
What risks or challenges do you anticipate that may affect the success of your business (What can stop you from making this business a success)? Words used: 0/100  

How will you mitigate or reduce these risks? Words used: 0/150  


How much have you invested in your business, if any?
Amount in Naira, enter numbers only.
How much will you contribute to the business in the next 12 months, if any?
Amount in Naira, enter numbers only.
How much will family and friends contribute to the business in the next 12 months, if any?
Amount in Naira, enter numbers only.
How much do you expect from other sources (investors, bank loans, etc) if any?
Amount in Naira, enter numbers only.
Beyond the above financial sources, how much more (Naira) will you required to make this business a success?
Amount in Naira, enter numbers only.
How much money (Naira) do you want from YouWiN ?
Amount in Naira, enter numbers only.
What will you use the money for? Words used: 0/100

How much sales do you make per month at present, if any
Amount in Naira, enter numbers only.
How much sales do you expect to make in 12 months after receiving the award?
Amount in Naira, enter numbers only.
How much do you expect to spend in running your business in 12 months after receiving the award?
Amount in Naira, enter numbers only.
Please upload a valid government issued identification with a clear picture and evidence of date of birth (ID- National ID/drivers license/voters card/certificate of indigeneship/current NYSC ID/international passport/birth certificate) Allowed file formats: PDF,DOC,RTF,JPG,GIF,PNG,JPEG,BMP
Max file size is 8MB
I hereby declare that all information provided in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and I should be disqualified if any of the information provided is found to be false