1(a) Goal setting theory: This theory was propounded by Edwin Locke, who opines that people are motivated to work towards goals or objectives they set for themselves or they are part of, the message of goal setting theory is that individuals are motivated to work towards the attainment of reasonably, challenging, clear, and  verifiable goals.

(b)       Hierarchy of needs theory: The chief exponent of this theory Abraham Maslow maintains that the needs of employees are arranged in a hierarchy and that one level must be sufficiently satisfied before ascending to the next level. He however identifies five levels of needs starting with the most basic needs pertaining to life and living such as physiological needs, safety needs to social, esteem and self actualization needs which are not all that necessary for any to be alive. He used a pyramid to demonstrate his work diagrammatically.

A good student should draw this diagram and also speak on each of the levels.  Correct answers with a well drawn diagram 20marks      

(c)       Reinforcement theory: This theory was credited to B. F. Skinner, a Harvard Psychologist and his associates who developed a technique for motivation maintaining that the consequences of past behaviour affect future actions, in a cyclical learning process.
This process has to do with stimulus
future response.
The theory links motivation with behaviour.

2.         A good student should attempt the definition of teams. Eg teams are groups of two or more people who interact and influence each other, mutually accountable for achieving common objectives, and perceive themselves as a social entity within an organization (MCshane and Von Glinow, 2000:208)

The teams that are commonly identifiable in organizations include:
i.    Problem –solving teams: These are created to deal with specific problems facing an organization like improving quality, inculcating efficiency, curbing lateness to work etc. Members can only share ideas on how to proffer solutions to specific problems on process, methods and other areas but they hardly implement any.
ii.   Self-managed work teams: This refers to a team of about 5-to15 employees who perform highly related or interdependent jobs. They not only suggest solutions to problems, but may also take up many of the responsibilities preformed by the supervisors. Therefore, they can plan and schedule work, assign duties to members, have collective control over the place of work, make operating decisions, take actions on problems etc.
iii.   Cross-functional teams: These are teams made up of employees from about the same hierarchical level but from different work areas, who come together to accomplish tasks. The teams also allow people from diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives within an organization and even between organizations to exchange information, develop new ideas solve problems, coordinate complex projects and come up with meaningful results.
iv.   Virtual teams: These are teams that use computer technology to tie together physically dispersed members in order to achieve common goals. Virtual teams can inspite of distance and differences in offices share information, make decision and complete tasks.

Each Correct answer attracts 5 marks x 4 = 20 marks.  

The theory of social learning argues that learning occurs by observing others and then modeling the behaviours that lead to favourable outcomes and avoiding those that lead to punishing consequences.

(b) The four process that have been found to determine the influence of a model on an individual are:

i.          Positive reinforcement: This involves recognizing and thereby, encouraging employee desired behaviour or possibility of the behaviour being replaced.
ii.      Negative reinforcement: This is the use of negative consequences       like criticisms, to make employees desist from continuing with an          undesired behaviour.                            
iii.       Punishment: This is the use of negative consequences to discourage the possible repetition of undesirable behaviour.
iv.        Extinction: This involves the complete non-application of any type of reinforcement or stimulus in order to modify an undesirable behaviour.
Correct answer attracts 5 marks X 4 = 20 marks  

1.         Roman J. Alday defines organizational behaviour as a branch of the social science that seeks to build theories that can be applied to predicting understanding and controlling behaviour in work organizational
Organizational behaviour is the study of application of knowledge about how people act within organization. This means that it is a tool for human benefit.
Any other definition that meets the expectations of the examiners.

Features of organizational behaviour are as follows:-
i.                    It has assumed the status of a district fold of study. It is a part of general management. It presents behavioural approach to management.
ii.                 It contains body of research, application associated with a growing concern for in work place. This means that its study helps in understanding human behaviour.
iii.               The study of theories and research experiences of organizational facilitate manager for creative thinking to solve human problems in organizations
iv.               This discipline is heavily influenced by several other behaviour sciences, social sciences like psychology, sociology and anthropology.
v.                  It provides national thinking about people
vi.               It has psychological foundation. The concept like learning, perceptions, attitude, motivation is borrowed from psychology, sociology and anthropology.
vii.             It is dynamic rather than static.
Any five of these or other acceptable features.
Any good definition with 5 points attract 20 marks

2.         A good student should start by defining or operatinalizing individual biographical characteristics such as biographical characteristics are those that can be traced specifically to individuals and they relate to persons age, length or service, marital status and gender etc.

Individual biographical characteristics could influence employee productivity in the following ways.
i.                    Age: This has to do with relationship between age which affects absenteeism, rate of turnover, sickness, lateness. This means that old age affects these factors either positively or negatively.
ii.                 Job experience: This has to do with the relationship between job experience or tenure and absenteeism turnover, job satisfaction and productivity. The more people gain experience and seniority on the job, the more prestige and job satisfaction they have and vice versa.
iii.               Marital status: When people become married they usually have more responsibilities, which continue to increase with the arrival of children. Therefore, marriage can affect positively or negatively on the employee productivity.
iv.               Gender: This has to do with the gender issues whether males or females dominate the organizations and the effect each can cause. It addresses the question of whether female or male workers are prove to absenteeism, lateness, turnover etc.
Each answer is 5 mark X 4 = 20 marks       

3(a)     Communication processes are the steps involved in the complete transmission of information from the sender to the receiver allowing room for feedback and covering the noise as well. This means that the process starts with the purpose which gives rise to the through and configuring of the message to be sent which is then encoded.

5 marks                 
(b)       The importance of communication to organizations according to (Weihrich and Koontz 2005:443) are:
i.          To establish and disseminate the goals of an organization.
ii.         To develop the plans for the achievement.
iii.       To organize human and material resources in the most effective and efficient way. 
iv.        To select, develop and appraise members of any organization.
v.         To lead, direct, motivate and create a climate in which people want to contribute.
vi.        To control performance.

Any five points 3 marks X 5 = 15 marks