1.1       Background Of  The Study
In Nigeria Local Government System the issue of pension has come to limelight  to the knowledge  of an average man in the country. It is equally unequivocal that a great number of people’s  life depend on their monthly retirement pension and therefore  it  should be an issue of paramount importance to the society  at large.
The  ultimate  aim of all  workers in  any well established organization be it  federal, state, company or local government is to be fend for oneself  on retirement from  service  or to  obtain  some relief in the event of being incapacitated or  even for the relations to claim  some benefits after death. Pension and gratuity   suppose to serve these purposes.   

Pension  is a periodical payment  made especially by government, company or employer in consideration of past service or  relinquishment of  right and gratuity on the other hand is a fixed  jump-sum  payment  usually granted immediately upon  the retirement of an officer . Concise Oxford Dictionary: 1964 and from  a legal perspective, no arm  of government ever  existed without  an  instruments   or  existed without  them
Pension programmes in Nigeria have generated lots of problems and concern  both locally and abroad. With elderly  people  queuing for long hours and some dying in the process  hours and some dying in the proves  for just their  widow’s  mite which  they are entitled to after  spending their  active life  in the service  of their  various organizations, it  became   necessary  to examine  the laws that governed pension administration and  come up with recommendations that  would ensure  prompt payment of pensions  also provide adequate  funds for such  payments  in order to  forestall such erratic  and  irregular payment problems.
The  Pension  Reform Act, 2004 (“The Act”) was  passed into  law on the  25th  June  2004 by the  national Assembly, repeating   the pension Act  1979  and  amending  the NSITF  Decree  of  1993  to achieve  the above  objective
Although  the reform  remains a  very  positive  move  to ensure  that pension in Nigeria are effectively  administered, the system of operation,  and  even the act still posses some  challenges
Pension administration has come  to be as it is to deal with a wide  spectra of life and management of  pensions who served and spent major part of their  youthful period  in the service of the state or local governments. The trend and enlargement of the local government made this study  worthwhile as to delve into modalities  and ways to meet  up with  the challenges and demands possed by this ever increasing   number of men  and women  who are on the exist   form the service.
The erroneous impression about retirement and pension which is  fast gaining a higher  dimension  in the circle of those about to  retire is a major  focus of the study moreso to suggest  ways toward the  amelioration of sufferings   of the retirees and channel  the  burden into government   through a   functional approach.
In  1989 the  provisional  ruling council  established  local government  pension boards  in each  state of the   federation. Each board was charged  with  the responsibility of paying  the  retiring  benefits (pensions and gratuities) to  the local government retires.
In  Ebonyi State, the  local  government  pension board  was established a in  1999  by the  state edit  No. 10  of  1999. The  edit   contains the  ingredients  of pension Act 102  of 1999. The contents   of pension  Act has  goodwill  for  local government  retirees but  pension administration of Ebonyi State Local  Government  is not taking its right  part,. The emphasis on functional  approach to pension administration in  Nigeria  local   government  and  the  attainment of all  the goodness   that is  involved in building  a virile pension office  staffed with dedicated and more  responsible officers  who will cater for the pensioners  is advocated  in this study.      

1.2       Statement Of  The Research Problem 
For decades, many  people who retired  from the public service especially the local government   councils  complain  bitterly about the  problem  they encountered or are  still encountering   in terms of their monthly pension and gratuity. This equally gives  those about to  retire  some  concern as to what is going  to be their   fate on retirement.
The  reason(s)  why  government has not taken a decision action toward a  final decapitation of the  heinous  problems of the people too old  for work  or  be used for their  original  purposes   is rather  strange and   difficult  to explain. On the  other  hand, is government  deaf  or blind  over  increasing  number of men and  women who slumped  and died  in the bid  to collect retirement pension   allowance
It will be gross insensitivity of government to  the plight of men and women who served in their various capacities languish instead   of ensconced  in  this  later  part  of their lives or could it be that government is no longer capable of  fulfilling its obligation to retiring officers and is  gradually   phasing  out pension and gratuity?   The issue  of pension is now a common feature  on the faces of national deities ,  radio  commentaries and so may magazines.
The deplorable took of dejection  on the false of the retires  is enough  on the faces of the retires is  enough  indication that all is not well and by the complaints of these men and women,  it is adduced that:
a.       The processing of  retirement files are  unduty   destroyed
b.      There is tack of  commitment to  duty by the pension administrators 
c.      Pension fund is  divested at  Latin point before reaching the retirees 
d.      Monthly pension allowance is not enough to sustain the pensioners
e.      Unskilled and indolent officers  dominate the staff strength of  the pension office
f.       The absence of supervision and  check by higher authorities is a major cause of laxity and  ineptitude on the part of the pension administrators.
Anwana: 1996 summed up that the dreaded mammon in pension administration is shortage of skilled personnel and general staff.  

1.3       Objectives Of The Study 
The  broad objective  of this study is to advocate a functional approach to pension administration in Nigeria   local government system. It is also aimed at  getting  down to the root cause of prevalent problems militating against proper pension  administration through  the  application of an  empirical  chagnose of the bureaucratically processes  of  the  bureaucratically processes applied in  pension administration. The study is set to achieve the  following  specific objectives:
1.       To identify whether the pension administrators are  living up to expectation and equally the problem  facing  them.
2.      To examine the strength, caliber and experience  of the staff deployed  to carryout  these jobs
3.      To describe the  extent  and type  of  materials at the disposal  of the workers in the pension office.
4.      To  examine the actual system and working environment under which the pension worker  operate
5.      To  establish the degree of neglect/ disregard to duties all to the  detriment of the retirees.
1.4  Hypotheses
on the basis of  the  foregoing discussions on functional approach to pension administration in  Nigeria local Government  system, and in  accordance with  the  problem under study, the  research wishes to formulate the  following  hypotheses. 


The pension administrators are not  giving up to expectation and there are problems  facing  them
The  pension administrators  are  giving up to expectation and there are no problems  facing  them
There is no degree of neglect/disregard to duties by pension administrators that is detrimental
 There is  degree of  neglect/disregard to duties by pension  administrators that is  detrimental to retirees
The pension administrators  deployed  has no strength, knowledge and experience to carryout pension  administration duties 
The pension administrations  deployed has the  strength, knowledge  and experience to carryout pension administration duties. 
There is no availability  of  materials at the disposal  of  pension administrators
There is availability of  materials at the disposal of  pension   administrators

1.4       Scope and  Limitations of the Study
Basically there are several issues related to pension administration in Nigeria as a whole  but this research  shall  be limited  to the prevalent problems militating against  proper pension  administration in Nigeria local government  system.
Notwithstanding,  during the research  work the researcher encountered many problems at  the process of writing  project  which some  of them are :
Fund:  Lack of fund has helped in   hampering the progress of the  research work in as much as there is no money to  run the affairs or  transporting  to appropriate office to   collect  materials for the   project.  
     Unavailability of  Materials:  Unavailability  of  martins for  the  fact that the government officials  were  not always on seat who should  have provided adequate and useful information,  and  the reluctance and  un-cooperative attitude of some  of them in releasing data or information relevant to the study.
Time:  thirdly, during the research work the researcher was faced with combing civil service  work and  writing of the project   at the same  time.
1.6 Significance of the Study
This  study relates to a practical problem with a wide range of administrative  and resource management. In  essence,  the   significance of this  study cannot  be overemphasized if one considers the fact that  the issue of pension problems touches the life  of one, families, relations  and the society  in general.
Therefore, pension is  a life  matter and  should be viewed with every seriousness  as a shabby handling  of  its  matters  might perpetuate discomfort   and lose of life.
Thus,  this study is significant in the following ways:
1.      It will serve as a guide and source of information to impart fair knowledge and proffer  solutions to problems especially to pension   fund managers for the improvement   of their job.
2.      The  entire  erudite world  of civil or rather public servants will be greatly enriched and  equipped with  knowledge in  the course of their impending retirement
3.      Pensioners as well will benefit  from this  study as to be well informed in pension matters as it  affects them.
4.      Finally, this research work will be a foundation for further research works  on this  topic  or other related issues

1.7  Theoretical Framework
To undertake this study, the   research work adopted motivation  theory . one of the  theories under  content approach  of  motivation  theories  is  the Maslow need hierarchy theory  developed by Abraham  H.  Maslow  
Since  theories are integrated  set of  propositions intended to explain   certain phenomenon,  intended  to explain  certain phenomenon, the  adopted theory  of motivation will be of great  importance and apt  to explain why men work. Human  linetives are based on needs whether consciously or sub-consciously  felt. Some are primary needs  such  as the physiological requirement  for  water, air,  food, sex, sleep and shelter  other needs may be regarded as  other needs may be regarded as  secondary, such as self –esteem,  status, affiliation with others, affection,   giving, accomplishment   and  self  assertion. These needs vary in intensity  and over time with various individuals  Harold Koontz: 1980.
Bereleson and Steiner are quoted  in  he definition  of the  term  motive as: 
The inner state that energizes activates or moves (hence motivation)  and  that direct or channels behaviour towards goals.
In other words.  “Motivation” is a general term applying to the entire class of drives,   desire, needs, wishes and similar forces, Harold Koontz: 1980.  Further the theory of motivation is buttressed by using Vroom’s “Epectancy Theory” forward the understanding of motivation Vroom suggested that:
A person’s motivation forward an action at any time would be determined by his or her anticipated by his or her anticipated values of all the outcomes (both negative and positive) of the action multiplied by the strength of the person’s expectancy that the outcome would yield the desired goal.
Nwachukwu (1988) in his own contribution sees motivation as:
An internal psychological  process whose presence or absence is inferred from observed performance.   
The essential element  of these  theories  are that people will be motivated to  do things  to achieve some goal to  the extent that they expect that  certain actions on their part will  help them achieve the goal, much   the same as what martin  lather  observed centuries ago when he  said that “everything that is done in  the  world is done in hope”
Nweke  (1989)  sport  lighted  some of  the  ingredients  of  Maslow’s theory  of motivation  which  deals  with the self  actualization  or  self  fulfillment  needs to achieve  the potentials within self  for  maximum self  development  and  creativity and self l expression.
Towing  the part  of basic needs,  Bruce E moon: 1991 accepted basic  needs as a developed goal,  but  commitment  to the meeting of  basic needs  does not  entail  commitment  to any particular strategy for brining  it about.
The above  theory  strives well in a developed and farourable economy  but  the Nigerian  case is a negation and has anchored the strategy for the  retired  person on the paltry he  receives  as pension. In  full  consideration of the  situation, Streeten (1981)  in his challenges,  that “ the measure of a society is  the way it  treats its poor”  sticks  a resonant chored even  if  those   threatened by it stop  short of  subscribing  to the “idea that the  basic   needs of all should be satisfied   before   the less essential needs of a few”
The  present day  worker, without mincing words has his or her hope  anchored on pension for survival    after   retirement as much could not  be achieved during the  working   days therefore, the  above  theories  corroborate  the fact that most  pensioners and even those still in service work  and crave for   the  actualization   of what Maslow  called the self fulfillment needs  and a better ending of   their career service or  blissful  retirement  period.

1.8 Definition Of   Terms
1.      Local government:  it means a political authority   set by   either  a national or state governments,   as a  subordinate authority for   the purpose of dispensing or  decentralizing political  power.
2.      Pension: This  means a periodical  payment made especially by government  , company  or employer in consideration  of  the  past  services rendered by retirees  
3.      Pension fund:  It means  money accumulated for the payment of pensions to workers  after retirement
4.      Pension plan: This  is a program  established  by a company,  labour union or other organization that provides income for workers after retirement
5.      Pensioner:  this is a person  who is receiving a pension, especially from the government  an  old-age  pensioner
6.      Pension scheme:  this is a system in which employee and employe  pay regularly into a pension  fund  while   the former   is  employed  
7.      Pensionable: it means somebody who has been  giving the right   to receive  a pension : people  of pensionable age