The research was on the factors that militate against the implementation of 6-3-3-4 system as encountered by heads of secondary schools in Onicha Local Government Area. Its purpose was to find out the obstacles that made the effective implementation of the system difficult for the heads. The research adopted the concept of education planning as it’s theoretical framework. The study was limited to the fifteen (15) public secondary schools in the area. This study adopted survey method in finding the opinions of the staff, which was based on self-structured questionnaire in selecting the respondents at least 13 respondents were selected from each school.
The validity of the of the instrument was certified by experts in field of measurement and evaluation. The Cronbach Alpha formula was used to estimate the reliability of the instrument. The researcher distributed and collected the questionnaire the same day. The technique of data analysis was that of frequency and percentage. The finding revealed that power- politics, planning without accurate data, financial indiscipline and inadequate human resources were the bane of the implementation of the 6-3-3-4 system. Based on the result, the researcher draws the conclusion that the system itself was not bad, but failed as a result of poor implementation. On this basis, the study recommends that for the current 9-3-4 system to succeed, care should be taken by the government and the school heads to avoid the repetition of the flaws discovered in the study. This will ensure a better standard of education in Nigeria.

Title page                                                                                                                   i
Certification                                                                                                  ii
Approval page                                                                                                          iii
Dedication                                                                                                                 iv
Acknowledgments                                                                                       v
Table of contents                                                                                         vi
List of Tables                                                                                                            viii
Abstracts                                                                                                                   ix
1.1       Background of the Study                                                                1
1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                4
1.3       Purpose of the Study                                                                                   5
1.4       Significance of the Study                                                                6
1.5       Scope of the Study                                                                           7
1.6       Research Question                                                                           7
2.1       Review of Related Literature                                                         8
2.2       Conceptual / Theoretical Framework                                           8
2.3       Review of Empirical Studies                                                                      18
2.4       Summary of literature review                                                        22

3.1       Methodology                                                                                                24
3.2       Research Design                                                                                           24
3.3       Area of the Study                                                                                         25
3.4       Population of the study                                                                               25
3.5       Sample and Sampling Techniques                                                 25
3.6       Instrument for Data Collection                                                      26
3.7       Validation  of the instrument                                                                     27
3.8       Reliability of the instrument                                                                      27
3.9       Method of Data Collection                                                                         27
3.10    Method of Data Analysis                                                                27                    CHAPTER FOUR
4.1       Presentation of Results and Findings                                            29
4.2       Research Question One                                                                   29
4.3       Research Question Two                                                                  30
4.4       Research Question Three                                                                31
4.5       Research Question Four                                                                  33
4.6       Research Question Five                                                                  34
5.1       Discussion of the findings, implications, recommendations, summary and conclusion
5.2       Discussion of Finding                                                                                 36
5.3       Implications of the Study                                                                39
5.4       Recommendation                                                                             39
5.5       Limitations of the Study                                                                 41
5.6       Suggestions for further research                                                    41
5.6       Summary of the Study                                                                                 41
5.7       Conclusion                                                                                                    42
REFERENCES                                                                                              44
Appendix 1                                                                                                   49
Appendix II                                                                                                   50
Appendix III                                                                                                  50

Table 1: Mean scores of how power politics affect the heads of
schools in the implementation of 6334 system of education                            29
Table 11: Mean scores of how planning without accurate data
affect the head of schools implementation of the 6334 system                       30
Table III: Mean scores of how lack of consultation contribute to
head of schools implementation problem of the 6334 system             31
Table IV: Mean scores of how lack of human and material
resources jeopardize the implementation of the 6334 system             33
Table V: Mean scores of how financial indiscipline contribute to
heads of schools implementation problem of 6334 system                              34

1.1       Background to the Study
            In all human societies, past and present, education has remained a vital tool for the development of both the individuals and the society at large. In this light, Ukeje (1992) sees education as one of the essentials in the determination of the destiny of a nation. It is a wheel base which can carry any nation to her development.
            Obi (1987) posited that education is a social activity through which individual society recreates themselves. The importance of education for the societal development informed the United Nations Organizations (UNO) decision, the general assembly of this body in it’s resolution on December 10th 1984 known as “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” gave education a prominent place. This body in making some assertion about the inalienable rights for all human beings included education as one of these basic rights of the individual.
            The above explanation buttresses the reason why education has become a priority of every state including Nigeria. The Federal Government therefore has since become aware of this fact and has adopted education as an instrument for effective national development and the attainment of her national objective.
            Hence the objectives of the national policy on education include:-
1.                  To build a free democratic society
2.                  A fair and egalitarian society
3.                  A united strong and self reliant nation
4.                  A great and dynamic economy and
5.                  A land of bright and full opportunities for all citizens

It is these national objectives that were linked to national aims of Nigeria education which include:-            
i.                    The inculcation of the right type of value and attitudes for the survival of the individuals and the Nigerian society.
ii.                 The training of the mind in the understanding of the world around
iii.               The acquisition of appropriate skills, abilities and competence both mental and physical as equipment for individuals to live and contribute to the development of this society.
iv.               The inculcation of national obviousness and national unity
National policy on education (1981) has it that “one of the levels of education the government uses in the attainment of this objectives of education is secondary education which is the form of education children receive after primary education and before tertiary education.
The broad aim of the secondary education within the overall national objectives are:-
(1)              preparation for useful living
(2)              preparation for higher education
In special things, secondary education focuses among others on equipping students to line effectively in our modern age of science and technology as well as to a federation of people who can think for themselves, respect the lives and feelings of others, respect the dignity of labour and appreciate this values specified under the broad national aims and live as good citizens.
In other to actualize the aims, various policies have been made on education starting from the year of independence. There was an education system called 6-5-4 system of education. This systems was adopted in 1981 finally took off in 1982/1983 academic session. The 6-3-2-4 system had it that the Nigerian child shall have 6 years of primary education 3 years of junior secondary and 3 years of senior secondary and 4 years of tertiary education (Aiyekpeku 1989).
Despite the prescription and effort of the government as well as the budget allocation, the system failed. There were serious problems in the implementation of this policy in different schools by different school heads. The failure could be seen in the fallen standard of education in the country. Students continue to perform poorly in both junior and senior secondary certificates. This poor performances equally manifest to the quality of graduates that come out of the Nigerian universities.
There are speculations particularly in Onicha Local Government Area that there are many factors that militate against implementation of the 6-3-4-4 system of education. Therefore an empirical investigations of the factors that militate against 6-3-3-4 system as encountered by students may provide useful information toward a better implementation of the current system of 9-3-4 in Onicha Local Government Area.

1.2       Statement of the Problem                         
            The persistent argument and debates by our Nigerian educationist yearning for a viable nation resulted to the curriculum conference of the 1966 which culmniated in formation of the educational system. This is because of the awareness that the vision of the any educational system of any countries lies on the ability of educational planner to improve the standard of education in the country. To this end, educational curriculum planner succeeded in introducing the 6-3-3-4 system in order to ensure that educational programmes are taken step step to ensure conscious learning among the students.
            Be that as it may, the effort made to provide sound education system in the country was marred by some problems which hindered the implementation of the system by the head of schools. Among these problems are power-politics, lack of adequate consultation, lack of adequate human and material resources, planning without accurate data and financial indiscipline. There is also the problem of implementation which was seen especially in the areas of funding, insufficient trained personnel problems of continuous assessment among others. All these problems were encountered by the school-heads in Onicha Local Government Area in the implementation of the 6-3-3-4 system.
            Viewed from above, it then becomes obvious that the above, mentioned problem have led to the fallen standard of education not only in the area in question, but in the whole of our country, Nigeria. If these problem areas should be given attention, the standard of education will certainly improve in Local Government Area as far as education in the secondary schools is concerned Nigeria seems to be wonderful people in policy formulation but very poor in policy implementation.

1.3       Purpose of the Study         
            The general purpose of this study is to investigate the implantation problem of 6-3-3-4 system as encountered by the heads of secondary schools in Onicha Local Government Area, specially the study  sets to
(1)              Identify the ways by which power politics affects the implementation of 6-3-3-4 system.
(2)              Find out whether poor planning without accurate data affect the implementation of 6-3-3-4 system.
(3)              Establish whether lack of adequate consultation  contribute to the poor implementation of the 6-3-3-4 system.
(4)              Examine whether human resources jeopardize the implementation of the 6-3—3-4 system
(5)              Find out how financial indiscipline contributes to the poor implementation problem of the 6-3-3-4 system of the education in Onicha Local Government Area.

1.4       Significance of the Study          
            This research work will be of much significance to the secondary school heads, and student of Onicha Local Government Area. Both researchers, teachers and educational planners would make use of this work to tackle some education problems.
            It will also serve as a reference document for present and future researchers who may wish to carry out a research work on the same or similar areas.
            More so, it will be useful to all who may wish to know some problems of implementation of the 6-3-3-4 system of education and all who may wish to find a lasting solution to Nigeria educational system.
            Finally, it will serve as background knowledge for heads of schools in the implementation of the new 9-3-4 system of education.

1.5       Scope of the Study                       
This study is designed to cover all the public secondary schools in Onicha Local Government Area. Two major constraint that contributed to the limitation of this work  were finance and time-limit. Another problem to be pointed out that limited the scope of this work was inaccessibility to documents that would have been of immense value and assistance to the researcher.  

1.6       Research Questions   
            In order to handle this study very well, the research questions guided the study
1.                  In what ways can power-politics affect the heads of schools in the implementation of the 6-3-3-4 system.
2.                  How does poor planning without accurate data affect the implementation of 6-3-3-4 system
3.                  How did lack of adequate consultation contribute to implementation problem of 6-3-3-4 system encountered by the heads of schools.
4.                  How does inadequate human resources jeopardize the head of schools implantation of the 6-3-3-4 system.
5.                  How did financial indiscipline contribute to the head of schools implementation problems of the 6-3-3-4 system?