Obe in Lowel (1981) stated in a seminar on education and national building held in Adig Ababa under the supply of the human resources development division of the united nations a regional meeting on the role of women in national development brought together women in public and voluntary services for health, nutrition, education, welfare industry and government with a view to the promotion of active participation of women in civic political and economic life. This has become increasingly so long with the struggle to secure the recognition of women as human beings having equal rights with men. In recent decades when. 

UNESCO has been responsible for one meeting after another in various parts for the elimination of discrimination against women in exhumation, the emphasis has been on education as rather than as a national building. The fourth common wealth education conference in Nigeria February/ march (1988) devoted economic and social development and specially included women education. Edith in Lowel(1981) stated that Research has shown that in most societies women fulfill the basic roles of the early chore and custody of the children, the maintenance of homes, the feeding of the family and according the prevailing customs, the preservation of its health. Feeding the family may include not only the preparation and cooking of food but also growing it so that in some societies women have been the cultivator of and agriculturist. 

In simple societies women were usually regarded as occupying an inferior position to men and were often in a state of servility or indeed slavery but there could be little doubt about the extent of their contribution to their societies in terms of working and production by the then existing standards. Okonja(1986) pointed out that women were seen as deprived group incapable of given focus and direction to cultural development of society, economically dependent on men with few legal rights and no political responsibility since the women are not opportuned to gain sound education. Most of them therefore take to early marriage. Because of the position of women as conservator and guidance of the family partly beaus they traveled less and come less in contact with new ideas partly because of social pressure on them, they were made to remain to engage in the type of work that men found inconveniencing and uncomfortable to do. Women had fewer opportunities to adjust to and prodit by the new development. 

This shows dearly how fare the education of women and girls has bagged behind their men counterpart. The deficiency in girls education are woolly due to back of provision of girls schools by authorities. Also reluctance of some parents to permit education for their daughters on the same scale as their sons. Men who occupy public office find that their uneducated wives are unable to undertake the social duties and occupy the position expected of the wives of such men. The level of living in their houses and the up bringing of their children does not correspond to their new idea and their wives are not able to respond to these requirements. Women are not available for the more skill jobs which in more developed countries are customarily undertaking by women and the politic.
            The most obvious is the need for more girls to have access to primary education for the prejudice to their doing so being overcome. The newly introduced free and compulsory education will also be another remedy to cub the ill situation of the girls education. This free and compulsory education will also help favourably if government can by more emphasis on the girls to make sure that every girl will be involved by equipping them with instructional materials like books teaching aid and other essential things they may need for their education.
            Another thing hindering women education is the attitude of girls towards the education. It is unfortunate and an eye save seeing some girls abusing the very education that come to liberate and unchain them from the churches and antagonisms of men and the society. Some girls refuse to read while they have every opportunity given tot hem by their parents or guidance to read. Some girls refuse to further education and went into marriage even dough that their parents are willing to train them. Some refuse to study in government schools or institution but hope to pass their examination through the offer of their body in sexual exchange. Some acquire the knowledge and engage in either private or public prostitution thereby abusing the sex education they got from school. Some live with true student in the university or in the other higher institution of learning to enable them to their business. Not all the girls who parade in the campus are students.
            Women potentials contribute once towards the societies may be summarized under the following home making professional work and public life. As a home maker a woman can by knowledge, skill and energy chance the level of living in her own home. She can improve the nutritional content of the family needs by a better understanding of deities. She can add to the comfort and amities of her house, she can improve family healthy by better hygiene and child care. She can make cloths, grew better and more varied crops in her garden or plot. As an educated mother she can understand and contribute to quality of schooling which her children receive. In all these of course she needs the help and co-operation of her husband who has equal responsibility with her for the well being of the family.
            Grant (1991) stated that: there is civic contribution to be made by women. In some developing countries women have made a particularly notable contributions to public life. One has only to think of India, Ceylon and Israel which have had women prime ministers and other countries which have women ambassadors, women members of legislatures and some paramount chiefs. Ozid, Peter and Canhan (1991) stated that the second misconception is that Islam is opposed to the education of women. This has not been the case. Women are kept into pandas, they are locked indoors and never allowed to be seen. The conditioned neither to come out nor participate in anything in the society hence Islamic doctrine forbid such activities. Respect for womanhood is greatly cherished by Islam and was stressed by the prophet himself.
            Equality stressed is the same doctrine that a women’s need for wisdom and enlightment  is as greatly as man’s it is true that there is still in some Muslim communities of Nigeria a widespread reluctance to educate woman and reason for this is to be found in social arranges of the Moslem communities and particularly to seclusion of women. The liberalization of these conservative attitude regarding the position of women in the society poses a formidable problem to education of woman. Talor (1994) noted that the concept of how through the countries as directed by social political and ethnic environment and attitudes of different societies relegates and lower status usually to women and often portray women as an inferior species created and properly for man’s use.
            In this century more than ever before women by their academic performance and achievement and lately by their political agitation are affecting a change in the attitude of society as a whole to the rights and the status of woman. A community social group or individual sustains itself through continuous self-renewal and that renewal takes place by mans of the educational growth of the immature member of the group.
            Dowey, (1976) stated that: Education is a fostering, a nurturing a cultivating process. All of this words mean that it implies attention to the conditions of easy growth including nearing, rousing, bringing upwards which express the difference in the level which education aims to cover.
            Education is the harbinger of cultural changes. Sociologists are in agreement that no culture is steady since no culture is so isolated in today’s world as to avoid interaction with others education is a machine of this interaction. Through the process of education there is a reshuffling of traditional views and life styles, belief system and people’s general out look or life. Through this way, the society survived along worth while values in all aspect of life including the marriage institution. In many cases the women had us court of appeal as observed by Ekuwen (1990). Indeed now as formally, feminists trace their changing perception of their own position in societal to their experience in the civic right movements. As they participated in efforts to eliminate discrimination on against women educationally or took part in student movement for greater control over educational institutions, they become sensitive also to injustice against women as a group. There are many factors which came together to produce the women’s movement that began in the 1960s. one underlying factors has been the dramatic increase Wilkins (1996) asserts that the emancipation of women and the increase in effective contraceptive techniques provided parents with both the motive for limiting the size of their families and with the means to do it. In these endeavourers women have been able to justify their claim for higher status and recognition as individuals with minds of their own who are capable of sharing fully in the responsible intuitive of citizenship recalled Wilkins (1986). Some of women organization has worked primarily for changes in education the how and the work place to create more equality of opportunity for women. One spokes women says for example “it is significant that the general level and style of higher education for women is close to that of renaissance, humanism than to the skills of midtiventies century scientific and technological society”. Remarked Robert, (1976). While modern patriarchies have fairly recently opened all education level to women, such allegations ignore or blow over the very real changes in the education of women, which has occurred during the past century. 
            Leslie, (1986) pointed out that women’s role have changed greatly in recent years more women expect combing marriage with full participation in the world of work. Such women are likely to have mother who look after their families while they enjoy their work. The need for women education. The birth of women’s liberation movement may be viewed as an effort to overcome cultural big, cultural is the situation in which social change big behind possibilities opened by technological change. Stwart (1998) stated that: Ninety percent of the women in the liberation movement are highly educated. Nowadays the women often bring money into the house and has real alternative of rearing elsewhere if the man’s attitude is more than she can stomach. The complexities of economic problems of the family are even such that man will encourage his women to have alternative earning. This has transformed the authority structure in the family and makes unilateral decisions seem an indignity within the frame work of marriage. In a given society change continues to occurred with increase rapidity with their attendant challenges, demands and complexities changes are ingredients to development and therefore are necessary phenomena. In order to change the condition of life we must see the change through the eyes of women Delbor, (1993) stated that “women should be seen as change. They are bound to teach their children what they need to know in order to cope with changes that surround them as such like teachers in the school they are change agents. Modern women perform a lot of functions which demand a lot from them. To meet up with these demand the women held some help with education. Modern educational plans and programes must be designed to train women’s mind as well as man’s Okenwa (1996) pointed out that: “Education is an instrument for the role achievement. We have seen that modern African women has complex roles to play in addition to her sex role.
            In order to meet up with these role expectations, they have to be prepared to it, their mind has to be trained along with that of the men. To meet up with the modern role expectations, the women need to have alternative changes for the family and to be able to earn reasonably. The woman need to be educated so as to be able to secure a good job in order to provide reasonable alternative earnings for the family. A woman has to compare with her mate counterpart. This means that she has to be equally educated as her male counterparts despite her limitations and handicaps. Even though women cannot be classified amongst the physically handicapped persons in the society yet there are handicaps which attend the female sex particularly if and when they aspire to improve the themselves, their education or their careers. Their cherished traditional normative roles in the family as mothers and home makers unless especially organized can constitute a handicap (1993).  Okenwa (1996), pointed out that “the argument that if a women yet highly educated and gets well paid job she would likely claim equality and even become dominating and insubordinate towards her husband does not hold water no words!! Marriage may be stable and the family economically solvent but the incident of delinquency could be highly due to defective home management. To cope up with the complex management of the modern home a women need to be helped by given her proper education.
            Educated and working mothers and wives with stable marriage are valuable ingredients in the good home. In our own society experience has shown that children from educated homes generally maintain high standards academically and morally at least up to West African certificate level. From the investigation and interview carried out, it is interesting to observe that right in our society less educated self employed successful and less successful men go in for well educated girls for marriages. The complexities of our society and life uncertainty has compelled men to look for girls who are educated for marriage. The aspiration of any girl particularly in our society is to be happily and comfortably married and beget her own children. For that aspiration to materialize, education has to play major role. Even if she foils in her aspiration education will quip her with necessary tools to take care of herself and live a respect able life in the society.

            The importance of women education cannot be over stressed because of their expected roles in the political, religious, social and economic well being of the area in question. In view of the numerous roles and expectations from women, it cannot in any way pay us if women will still be treat as second class citizen in these days of enlightenment. An average Ezza women should strike to attain a high academic standard through the help and support of both local and state governments by providing necessary facilities to encourage opportunities for women to show greater interest in their educational pursuit.
            Education being the bed rock for woman’s increase participation in national development should be given serious consideration by all and sundry so as to sensitize women on their social and political role in the society. An educated woman is not only considered in her action but is always articulated and human in her dealings with people irrespective of class and social status. In an old adage which says that “if you train a man you have trained a person, but if you train a woman you have trained a nation”. The implication of this that;
i.        An educated woman will be more understanding and will be able to    mix up very well socially.
ii.     Education usually equips women better for their challenging roles       as mothers.
iii.   Education women don’t only contribute politically, but also socially, economically and religiously towards social development. 

            In fact, social intellectual, religious physical and moral orientation of girls cannot be over stressed based on the fact that it helps them to live up to expectation in the society.