This study aimed at understanding the relationship between poverty and prostitution, using Onicha Igboeze as case study. To achieve this purpose quantitative and qualitative research methods 200 questionnaires were distributed to residents of the study area, out of which 150 were utilized for the analysis, while 20 in-dept interviewer were conducted among the some selected number of prostitutes in the qualitative method. Theoretical study on the subject was reviewed with the aid of some relevant and related literature. Data obtained was analyzed. The finding revealed that truly their exist a relationship between poverty and prostitution in the area of the study.

Title page ----------------------------------------------         i
Certification --------------------------------------------       ii
Dedication ----------------------------------------------       iii
Acknowledgement--------------------------------------      iv
Abstract -------------------------------------------------       vi
Table of content-----------------------------------------      vii
Introduction---------------------------------------------       1
1.1             Background to the study -----------------------------        1
1.2             Statement of problem ---------------------------------        5
1.3             Research question -------------------------------------       6
1.4             Objectives of study ------------------------------------       7
1.5             Significance of the study -----------------------------        7
1.6             The study area          --------------------------------------- 8
1.7             Definition of terms ------------------------------------       8
Literature Review Introduction----------------------------           10
2.1             Concept and nature of poverty ----------------------        11
2.2             The degree of Poverty in Nigeria---------------------       13
2.3             The concept of prostitution ----------------------------     16
2.4             History of prostitution ------------------------------          17
2.5             Prostitution a deviant behaviour  and a social problem 19
2.6              Theoretical framework ----------------------------------   21
3.1             Study design ----------------------------------------------   25
3.2             Scope of study -------------------------------------------    25
3.3             Population of study --------------------------------------   25
3.4             Sample size and sampling techniques-----------------     26
3.5             Instrument for data collection -------------------------     26
3.6             Data analysis and processing --------------------------     27
Presentation and analysis of data -------------------
4.1             Sex distribution of respondents ---------------------
4.2             Age distribution of respondents ---------------------
4.3             Education status of respondents -------------------
4.4             Occupational distribution of the respondents ----
4.5             Household size of the respondent -------------------
4.6             Extent of poverty living condition and needs situation
of the respondents --------------------------------------
4.7             Average annual income of the respondents ---------
Result of interview ---------------------------------------
Summary, conclusion and recommendation --------
5.1                Summary findings --------------------------------------
5.2                Conclusion ----------------------------------------------
5.3                Recommendation--------------------------------------   
 References ----------------------------------------------     29


The achievement of food security is a total victory over poverty in a given country.
The most pathetic feature of Nigerian society today is that majority of its members are living in a state of destitution while the remaining relatively insignificance minority are living in affluence.
Poverty has no geographical boundary. It is seen in the North, South, East, and West. It is found in rural as well as urban areas of Nigeria. The incidence of poverty in Nigeria is much higher in the rural areas than in the urban centres. The urban slum dwellers form one of the most deprived groups (World Bank 1997).
This, the poor are often illiterates in poor health and have a short life span (World Bank 1995) they have no (or limited) access to basic necessities of life such as food, clothing, decent shelter, are unable to meet social and economic obligations. They lack skills and gainful employment, have few if any economic assets and sometimes lack of self-esteem (Olayemi 1995) very often, the poor lack the capacity to escape from their situation by themselves.
The urban poor in sub-Sahara Africa, especially the west Africa region experience difficult times. The episode of international adjustment program clearly harmed the urban poor group the most, despite government intention to protect the incomes of the urban groups especially the elites. Even if the very wealthy groups have benefited from adjustment programmes, the majority, of the urban population was hit badly by the policy induced recession. The incidence of poverty increased in the region for both public and private sector.
Poverty has been a low priority on research and development agenda of Nigerian government for over two decades, this has been dominated by rural development and poverty. The recent renewed interest in urban issues has been due to the widespread idea that urbanization is speeding up. At the end of the year 2000, about half the world population were living in urban areas, in 1975 this was only 28%. In 1970, developing countries level of urbanization was 25%. In 1994, it has increased to 37% and it is now projected to be 575 in 2025 (UNO 2001).
In urban towns and cities, the urban poor has risen from 9.7 million to 11.7 million in 1985-1992 (World Bank 1995).
Moreover, the depth and severity of poverty in the urban centres are on the increase in Nigeria and it is very serious and alarming. This has been identified with the recent high population growth rates and rural urban migration, which has made the quality of life in the urban centre slumps worse and urban services our stretched.
On the other hand, prostitution sometimes referred to as commercial sex workers(s) is a social vice, which has come to pose as a problem and source of concern to moralists, governments, parents and every-well-meaning citizens of most countries of the world. This goes to show why it should not be treated with levity.
In this part of the world, prostitution is believed to be practiced by females in the prime of their youths with only few cases otherwise.
“The majority of the women suffer from the exploitive and oppressive character of the Nigerian society as a member of the subordinate class and as women”. The above statement marks the preambles of the goal statement of the first conference of women in Nigeria (win) a feminist organization.
Having established the feminist gender susceptibility to the social ill,  it is important to state that prostitution is a vice and should not be mistaken fro sexual promiscuity which suggests having sex randomly with multiple partners. Prostitution is rather a practice that is consciously ventured into as a profession or means of livelihood.
The American encyclopedia defined prostitution as “a performance of sexual act with another person for payment of a foe’ however, prostitution in Nigeria is mainly characterized by exchange of sexual service for money by pre-dominantly young women whose clients ranger from young, middle age and even old men as the case may be.
The increasing rate of the “trade” is worth nothing as it tends to gain popularity and acceptance over the year despite the fact that most cultures abhor it and the mere practice especially in Nigeria in generally perceived to be unethical and morally wrong. Thus, the continuity practice could pose a problem to the moral belief system of such peoples, depending on the degree to which it is frowned at.
A concept which is to be used as an independent variable of Onicha poverty in prostitution. Further analysis of this could ascertain if there is a correlation/relationship between the set variable. And if, it, is true that there exists a relationship from the research/study, it could then be concluded that Onicha poverty encourages moral laxity and crates market for prostitution and the clients. The truism of the aforementioned relationship between poverty and prostitution in Onicha Igboeze is worthy of investigation.

1.2             STATEMENT OF PROBLEM                                     
Poverty and prostitution come with numerous negative consequences on the society although it could be argued also that there are also some positive effect but the negative impact is felt more by the individual and the society at large.
Poverty has the consequence of breading social disillusionment with respect to the societal objectives.
The sex industry is highly competitive most especially in the urban centres thus prostitutes strive to maximize their daily income and they do all sorts of thing has achieve this ultimate objective. Poverty has made prostitutes in the Onicha Igboeze to join the sex industry. Recent world report, indicates an alarming increase in the spread of Hiv, which causes Aids and other STDS, in the urban centres and prostitution happens to be one of the major catalysts of its spread since some of them practices unsafe sex due to high urban poverty. Question to provide answers to include. Do prostitutes still have a future? Can government and other well meaning citizens step in to reduce this fast growing trend in our society and there by checking its adverse effect on our society? How can the income levels of individuals standardized? How can the government improve on its local production of food, to meet the basic food needs of the populace?

1.3       RESEARCH QUESTIONS         
(1)       What are the cause of poverty and prostitution in         Onicha Igboeze?
(2)       Is prostitution a phenomenon symptomatic of    gradual breakdown of societal value system?
(3)       Are poverty and prostitution in Onicha Igboeze exited based on the result of rapid social change?
(4)       Is there a relationship between poverty and        prostitution?

(1)       To explain the relationship between poverty and prostitution as it relates to the Onicha Igboeze.
(2)       To examine the relationship between educational attainment and involvement in prostitution.
(3)       To examine the relationship between family background and prostitution.
(4)       To make suggestions that would help improve the situation.

The study is very important to the society in general. This is because rural-rural migration into the small city of Onicha Igboeze in search of jobs and survival over poverty has tremendously increased prostitution in the city. Young female teenagers and others who cannot secure a job in the city of Onicha Igboeze due to high unemployment have no other choice than engage in trade. Prostitution for survival and provision of their basic needs.
The research will provide helpful data for policy and decision markets which will help them know if there exists a relationship between poverty and prostitution. By the time the study is completed, useful information will be made available to everyone and the government.
I hope this study would also reduce poverty and prostitution in Onicha to an insignificant level. This study is also significant for academic purposes.

1.6             THE STUDY AREA         
This work will attempt examine the relationship between poverty and prostitution in Onicha Igboeze.
The prevalence of poverty and prostitution there effects will be examined in this work. Based on the above, recommendations will be made which would be of help in further studies. Onicha Igboeze is one of towns or communities in Onicha Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. It is located at Ebonyi South and boarders with Uburu, Okposi and Isu etc. They speak their indigenous language and they are predominately farms.

1.7       DEFINITION OF TERMS      
Deviant:- A rule breaker or a person that deviant from what is said to be right.
Prostitutes: Person who give sexual services for financial benefits.
Prostitution: The provision of sexual  favour for financial benefits or reward.
Poverty: Lack of command over basic consumption needs.
Relationship: Something linking two or more variables together


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