Marriage is honourable in all - (Heb. 13:14). It is a socially approved sexual union of one or more men with one or more women that is expected to persist for life. The union is also expected to include common residence, economic cooperation and reproduction. Marriages a social arrangement by which a child is given, a legitimate position in the society determined by parenthood in the social sense (Ezeah, 2004). The Encyclopaedia Americana described marriage as a more or less durable union sanctioned by the society, between one or more men and one or more women.

According to Okonkwo (2005) marriage should be enjoyed and not to be endured. But it is quite unfortunate that the opposite is the case. In marriage these days, there has been such paradox that those inside struggle to get out and those outside struggle to get in. It is very common today to hear a young man saying to a young girl. "I love you more than any other person, if I do not marry you I will hang" and the next day you hear the same person saying of the same girl. "This girl is devil, if she does not pack out of my house, I will kill her". On the other hand a girl will tell her man "Darling, it is you or never, without you, life is meaningless" Tomorrow, the same girl will tell the man, I have never met such a bad and wicked man since my birth, marrying you was the worst mistake of my life".

Marital instability still remains the worst problem in the family because, it affects both partners and children of the affected horn'es. In the most extreme case, children are the most affected (Ezeh, 2000). In addition to the above, the possibilities of delinquent disposition for the children of such homes became obvious and to the detriment of the whole society.
The effect of marital instability on children has been a great cause of concern to counselors, the church and the society at large, all striving to find a way out of this intractable problem.

Marital instability has grown to a destructive stage and both the people and the government can no longer pretend that all is well. Okonkwo (2005) person saying of the same girl. "This girl is devil, if she does not pack out of my house, I will kill her". On the other hand a girl will tell her man "Darling, it is you or never, without you, life is meaningless" Tomorrow, the same girl will tell the man, I have never met such a bad and wicked man since my birth, marrying you was the worst mistake of my life".
Marital instability still remains the worst problem in the family because, it affects both partners and children of the affected horn'es. In the most extreme case, children are the most affected (Ezeh, 2000). In addition to the above, the possibilities of delinquent disposition for the children of such homes became obvious and to the detriment of the whole society.
The effect of marital instability on children has been a great cause of concern to counselors, the church and the society at large, all striving to find a way out of this intractable problem.

In view of the nature of the effects of marital instability on children, certain questions are drawn to enable the researcher achieve the set objectives:
1.        What  are   the   causes   of marital   instability   in   Akpawfu Town?
2.        What are the effects of marital instability on the children of such parents?
3.         What 'are the possible  solutions to the effects of marital instability in Akpawfu Town?
The general  objective  of this   study  is  to determine   the effects of marital instability on children of Akpawfu Town.To attain this objective, the following specific objectives were used:
 i.  To find out the causes of marital instability in Akpawfu Town,
ii.   To find out the effects of marital instability on the children of such parents.
iii.   To proffer solutions to the problems of marital instability in Akpawfu Town.
Marital instability being one of the most sensitive problems among many homes, a study into its effects on children would be of value to many of the couples, the counselors and the society at large. If the major causes of marital instability are known and the negative effects portrayed there will be peace in our homes. A peaceful home makes for a happy home. If a man or woman has a happy home, he/she would be happy with himself/herself, he/she would be happy in the office or whenever he/she works because he/she is a settled human being. Happy individuals make a happy nation, a happy nation is a peaceful nation. Many couples or individuals that may be opportuned to read this write up and who might be directly or indirectly victims of marital problems would most likely benefit from the study. Also it will be of a great importance to the children of the affected homes.

ABORTION: The act of causing a pregnancy to end early in order to prevent the baby from developing and being born alive.
DELINQUENT:  Young person  showing the  tendency  to  commit crimes, especially not of a serious kind.
DRUG ABUSE: To make wrong or excessive use of drug.
EFFECT: A result or an out come.
INSTABILITY: The state of being not steady or stable
MARRIAGE: This is legally recognized, agreement between a man and a woman making them husband and wife; the state of being married.
PROSTITUTION:  This  is  the  offering of sexual  intercourse  for payment.
SEXUAL ABUSE: This is the improper and unacceptable sexual relationship in the society e.g. homosexual.
TEENAGE PREGNANCY: This is pregnancy of a person between 13 and 19 years old.